
Mastering Command Line Efficiency: Text Shuffling with shuf and Repo Management with mr

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In the latest episode of the Untitled Linux Show, hosts Jonathan Bennett and Jeff Massie delved into some fascinating tools for command-line enthusiasts. Among the myriad topics discussed, two standout utilities for boosting your productivity are the shuf command for text shuffling and the mr tool for managing multiple Git repositories. Let's break down how these powerful commands can streamline your Linux workflow.

Shuffling Text Files with shuf

The shuf command is an incredibly versatile utility that allows you to shuffle lines in a text file randomly. Whether you're looking to randomize a list, create a unique sequence for testing, or just add a bit of unpredictability to your data, shuf is the tool for you.

Basic Usage:

shuf filename.txt

This command will output the lines of filename.txt in random order.

Saving the Output:

If you want to save the shuffled output to a new file, you can redirect the output like this:

shuf filename.txt > shuffled_filename.txt

Random Number Generation:

shuf can also be used to generate random numbers. For example, to generate 10 random numbers between 1 and 100:

shuf -i 1-100 -n 10

Managing Multiple Git Repositories with mr

When working with multiple Git repositories, keeping them updated and synchronized can become a daunting task. This is where the mr (myrepos) tool comes in handy. mr is designed to automate common operations across multiple repositories, making it an essential tool for developers who juggle several projects.

Basic Configuration:

First, install mr on your system. On Debian-based distributions, you can use:

sudo apt-get install mr

Next, create a configuration file .mrconfig in your home directory to list your repositories:

cat <<EOL > ~/.mrconfig
checkout = git clone

checkout = git clone

Common Commands:

Updating Repositories:
To update all repositories listed in your .mrconfig, simply run:

mr update

Executing Commands Across Repositories:
You can execute arbitrary commands in each repository directory. For example, to check the status of all repositories:

mr run git status

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