Untitled Linux Show 186 Transcript
Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.
00:00 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Hey folks, this week we're talking about R-Sync, which you really need to go update. We're talking Plasma, the Kernel 6.13 release and all the fun things coming in 6.14, and some interesting information about Fedora, on Windows of all places. It's a lot of fun. You don't want to miss it, so stay tuned. Podcasts you love From people you trust. This is Twit 186. This is the Untitled Linux Show, episode 186, recorded January the 18th, accidental honeypot. Hey folks, it is Saturday and you know what that means. It's time to geek out about Linux. It's the Untitled Linux Show. Saturday, and you know what that means. It's time to geek out about Linux. It's the Untitled Linux Show. We've got news and open source and Linux and hardware all kinds of fun stuff going on. It's not just me. We've got Jeff and we've got Ken. Our other regularly scheduled co-host is down with a cold and we think it's kind of lame that he's not here.
01:01 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
But we'll, I guess give him a bit of an excuse for being sick. I't know I've I've got a bit of a cold. So if I sound a little funny this week or I have to pause to cough or sneeze or something, that's why, but I'm, I'm here because I'm, I'm powering through it.
01:18 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yes you. Just you're more dedicated than rob is obviously yeah, I wasn't gonna say that jonathan and I are both recovering from the colds that came through here. Well, yeah, very cold came through here, Goodness. So, Ken, you've actually got the first story and you sort of stole it from me. But I'm not bitter. Tell us what is up, you covered it yesterday. I did Tell us what is up with our sink, and then I'll maybe fill in some color commentary afterwards.
01:45 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Well, I'm hoping you will, because I'm just going off of what Bobby Barasoff reported, which is that rsync version 3.4 is coming out addressing six vulnerabilities that rsync versions 3.3 and earlier had, rc versions 3.3 and earlier had. I'm not going to go through because I don't think you want to hear me repeatedly saying something like CVE-2024-12084 every time before giving a description of it. But that is the first one for a heap-based buffer overflow flaw in the rc daemon. That's the first of them. The second one has a flaw in the rc daemon that appears during file checksum comparisons. The third one is a flaw in rc that could let a malicious server read files from a client's machine. That'd sound good. Then the fourth one is a path traversal flaw in rsync that allows a malicious server to write files outside the intended directory.
The fifth flaw is a flaw in rsync and Boris put this in quotes dash, dash, safe, dash links option that fails to verify nested sim links Not tested nested. The last one that Boris and this was CVE-2024-12747. Rolls right off the tongue. This one has a race condition in rsync's symlink handling where it can bypass its default link skipping. Now Bobby also reports that rsync version 3.4 includes some noteworthy changes, such as move, the FreeBSD continuous integration pipeline, to GitHub Actions. It silenced compiler warnings about unused variables, thereby reducing clutter in the code. It also upgraded capital POPT 1.19 for enhanced command line parsing and improved consistency. Now I do recommend reading Bobby's article if you want the link to our SYNC's changelog or if you need other details. I haven't covered, and I believe Jonathan included a link to what he had pulled up for what he wrote about it.
04:33 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yes, so this was the headline story from my this Week in Security column over on Hackaday and it's that first vulnerability in rsync specifically. So the disclosure text has a bit of I called it nightmare fuel, and here it is. An attacker only requires anonymous read access to an rsync server, such as a public mirror, to execute arbitrary code on the machine the server is running on. That's real bad, that's scary. Yes, so if you have rsync 3.3.0 or before and it is running as a server and it is exposed to the internet, it's potentially vulnerable and potentially a zero-click. Just connect and you get to execute code on it. It's kind of the worst case scenario. This clocks in at a 9.8 CVSS, I believe, which 10 being the worst. 9.8 means it's almost as close as it could possibly be to worst case scenario and what it is.
This is a. It doesn't necessarily require authentication, right, and this is particularly important if someone is offering public files over rsync. That doesn't happen very often, but it does happen from time to time and it is the handling of the checksum links. So when rsync is moving files back and forth, it sends data and then you send back a checksum, which is you know. I've added all the bits together in a special way, and here's the answer I came up with. Does that match the answer that you have? And if the two match, then you know that you transferred the data over correctly. The problem is that, when you send one of those checksums, part of the information that you send is and, by the way, here's how many bytes I'm sending you, and you can say by the way, I'm going to send you 15,000 bytes Not literally, I'm making that number off the top of my head and it still gets copied over a 16-byte buffer, and so it just goes right past the end of the buffer, writes over other important things, and for those of you, for those of us that follow security issues, you understand that writing past the end of the buffer is how you get remote code execution. So it's not good. It's not good at all for rsync. If you've got public rsync servers, your hair is on fire with this.
Red Hat has a little bit more to say about it. I've got that linked in my article as well. The important thing, though, is that there is not a mitigation for this. You just need to update, and so when we, when we talk about like in this sort of context of mitigation, that is, there's nothing you can do in your configuration file like you can't go. You can't go into configuration file and easily say just don't allow, you know, shot 256. So sometimes with these sorts of vulnerabilities it'll be that you can just go say don't allow shot 256 checksums and everything's fine. Not the case here. You can. From the reading I did, you could compile a copy of rsync so you could compile um, the, the older, so 3.3 rsync and leave out the checksum. But you can't do it in configuration. So you, for the vast majority of us it's either turn it off or update it, and that kind of needs to happen yesterday.
08:09 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
It's bad If I remember correctly, there is a flag that you can use on the command line to turn it off.
08:18 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
I believe that was a compile time option in what I saw Because Red Hat? I'll click the link. We'll see if they've changed it. Mitigation Red Hat recommends filtering untrusted connections to turn your firewall on. Additionally, systems which only need to provide remote rsync access to users with known identities can enable authentication, but systems that provide anonymous read access to hosted files via rsync, such as mirror hosts, do not have a reasonable mitigation options available. So that is Red Hat's latest on it. When was this released? January 14th is when this became public. Last modified January 16th. Okay, and the See if I can quickly find when.
09:18 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
I was kind of curious. Mine hasn't updated to 3.4 yet my system hasn't updated to 3.4. I would think that would be one of those that would they would. They would push through pretty fast yeah, you would.
09:32 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
You would hope so, the the nice thing about this is most people are not running rsync connected like the rsync server exposed to the internet. Um, and, you know, doing it with anonymous access enabled, that is. That is not something that hardly anybody is doing, um, although I I say that according to the, the showdan, which is sort of the internet search engine that doesn't search for websites, it searches for services, uh, apparently there are like 664 000 rsync servers that are available on the internet.
10:04 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Uh, wow, yeah, I mean I'm, I'm in that first, first boat of I don't have an rsync server, I don't have any of that.
10:12 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
So it doesn't matter, I was just kind of curious how fast it updated as a back-end for a lot of the backup.
10:19 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Uh, yes, utilities yes, um, even at then, though you can. You can do it like over ssh or over vpn, and I think it is less vulnerable there, particularly with over ssh. If you require um authentication first, like if your rsync server is always set to require authentication first, then you're not vulnerable to this. Well, you are, but only to people that can authenticate right, which is a very different thing than you're vulnerable to this from everybody on the internet, unless you've got it configured so everybody can authenticate.
10:59 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, like I use rsync, but it's all local from machine, just in my little home network. I don't ever use anything out on the internet with rsync, but it's all local from machine, just in my little home network.
11:06 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
I don't ever use anything out on the internet with rsync Machine to machine or just from one local directory to another.
11:13 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah. So your exposure to this, jeff, is it's only a problem, assuming that's the case and you haven't accidentally exposed rsync out to the internet, right? Your exposure to this is limited to if someone is already on your network, right, which is a very different problem. You still need to update it as soon as you can. But, like, that's an extremely different problem from this is this is exposed to everywhere, and the moment that someone you know publishes the actual exploit for this, all of these systems are going to get attacked, right?
11:43 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
not. I know one utility that uses rsync in the background is rclone, which I use for doing some of my backups to my Google Drive.
11:56 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Right, right, but again that's going to be the same scenario. You're not exposing this as a server to the internet, so that's not really. That I know of, so go use I think. I think gibson still has shields up right um, if you're worried if you're worried about your, your local network, go use shields up.
Uh, the two ports that you want to check are 873 and 8873, and if those show closed or stealthed, then you're good to go as far as your local network goes. So yeah, every once in a while I go on there, which I probably should do.
Anyways, just to make sure I don't have anything open that's what I do, I uh, I accidentally left ssh open one time to a uh, to an open wrt router that had a very, very weak password on it.
Thankfully it was virtualized inside of it. So I accidentally made a honeypot because it was virtualized inside of another machine and I had it forwarded through and I'm pretty sure I had it firewalled off from the rest of my network. And so somebody did get into it and I think I was able to pull some logs and see, sure, I had it fire rolled off from the rest of my network. And so, like I, somebody did get into it and I, I think, I think I was able to pull some logs and see and it was like you know, try this, try that nothing worked and they just kind of threw their hands up and walked away and, ah, it's a dumb, dumb little embedded machine I can't do anything on I still. I still blew it away, wiped it out, and, you know, panic just a little bit because somebody did in fact ssh into my network, but it's a long time ago deep breathing yeah, yeah, yeah, it's one.
It's one of those, one of those clench moments like, oh no, this could be really bad. Oh, it's not as bad as I thought.
13:37 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
All right, jeff, let's move on from security to plasma yeah, I know, I know it seems like we talk about kde a lot, but that's because there's a lot going on as we get ready for the release of Plasma 6.3. You know, if you remember, last week we talked about how Plasma 6.3 just hit the beta stage in preparation for its final release and we're talking about it again this week because of the number of bugs that have been fixed in just one week. Nate Graham has released another blog on the Planet KDE website, which is, of course, linked in the show notes. But you know, let's get right into the meat of it. As of January 18th, there's one very high-priority bug which is down from three last week, and the very high-priority bug is is described as and I'm quoting here sometimes occurs on x11 with compositing turned on, causing a black lock screen when using the breeze plasma style, but controls are all there and remain interactive. So not the most uh, smooth flowing sentence. But you know, while it is considered a very important bug, it's only affecting people still on X11 and not on Wayland. Now, the 15 minute plasma bug count is currently down at 23 from 36 last week, and in general, 136 KDE bugs of all levels have been fixed in the last week. In addition to all the bugs, levels have been fixed in the last week.
In addition to all the bugs that have been squashed, there's also new features and polish that's gone into the UI. For example, scaling has a couple of improvements, such as KWin now being smarter about choosing a default scale factor for devices with small screens. It won't choose a scale factor too high to be impractical. And KWin's automatic scale factor chooser now also chooses a scale factor rounded to the nearest 5%, no longer to the nearest 25%. Nightlight is now going to have the correct colors when using a custom color profile or an ICC profile.
If your keyboard has a button to toggle a keyboard backlighting on and off, that button now works on the lock screen. And when a panel defloats and causes its pinned open widget pop-ups to also defloat, the pop-ups defloatiness animations are now beautifully synced up, so everything just looks good now. And for those who run several desktops, when switching between virtual desktops using your meta, alt and scroll keys, it now goes in the correct direction you'd expect when you're using a reversed or natural scrolling. I'm not going to dive into the notable bug fixes listed in the article because there are just so many of them, but if you wish to know more, there are links to the full change log so you can see all the changes that have happened in the 6.3 beta so far by following the link in the show notes and by the time 6.3 comes out. It should be a very polished product and I'm really excited to see it.
16:37 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, very cool. The guys may have noticed that I whipped around to look at something I'm running pretty much. I don't think I'm on 6.3 yet, but I'm on the latest KDE and there is a patch bouncing around for Firefox that's supposed to get HDR working. So earlier today I was fiddling around with that and finally got it compiled, and I'm now at the point where YouTube thinks it's playing HDR content. It's not, I don't think. To my eyes it does not look like it, but it thinks it is.
17:11 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
So like we're this close guys, and so everybody remembers Jonathan does have an HDR monitor.
17:18 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Oh yes, the HDR TV I went out and bought an OLED. Yeah, I bought the smallest OLED TV I could find and it's a great monitor. It's a great 4k monitor.
17:29 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Well, actually there's not much difference, and the only real difference between a monitor and TV these days is a TV is still required to have the the old analog input decoder box in it, and so you still hook up your old atari 2600 to a modern tv because of that little decoder box. They have to stick in there to call it a tv.
17:55 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
yeah, you know what I have found, the. Uh. The other difference is on a tv, they put some smart os on it. On a TV, they put some smart OS on it, like Google TV or or what's. What's the?
18:07 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
other one OS.
18:09 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, web OS is what this one has.
Yeah, yeah, um if you want to get a TV that does not have one of those, you get to pay about three times as much and get a commercial display TV, I think is what they call it. If you, if you want a dumb TV that doesn't have any smarts and therefore is not spying on you, you get to go pay for a commercial display TV. Yeah, and that actually is one of the reasons why monitors like 4K HDR monitors are so much more expensive than the TVs are, because the TV manufacturers are making some of the money back by having their smart OS on it.
18:50 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
By selling, selling your information.
18:53 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yes, that is, that is part of what happens.
18:55 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yes, if we're, if we're going to be frank about it, yeah, I have a smart TV but you know I never let it talk to the internet. I actually run a separate like roku or something that, so that the tv it hasn't seen the internet it doesn't. Nobody knows it exists on the internet, as far as the manufacturers aware. Because don't let it talk, don't let it have the network.
19:17 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, yeah, all right, let's see. Here we've got more stuff to talk about. Oh yes, so this weekend is a very interesting weekend in Colonel land. Uh, it is expected, and so my coverage on this comes by way of Michael Darabelle on Pharonix, who is like the Colonel whisperer in the media. He is the guy that knows how to read the tea leaves and tell you what's coming on, what's coming with the Colonel, that knows how to read the tea leaves and tell you what's coming with the kernel, and so we are going to recap his work here. So this is the weekend that 6.13 is going to release, and there are some really interesting things in there More support for an AMD EPYC, but the AMD 3D V-Cache optimizer is finally going to land in 4.13. More stuff for the Raspberry Pi, and so he calls up better performance for super pages or big pages with driver support for the 3D driver.
There's a couple of other. He talks about the tipping point for rust in the kernel. A couple of other he talks about the tipping point for rust in the kernel, and I went on a bit of a crusade a few weeks ago to find out, and there are actually like working, real rust drivers in the kernel. It was something that I wasn't sure about whether or not it was actually being used, and there are some. So, depending on what hardware hardware you have, you may actually be running some rust code, um, but you know, more and more is landing and we have more and more people writing code in rust um.
That's kind of controversial. Not everybody appreciates that, um, and I I can respect whether it's controversial like there there are. There are some real challenges with adding another language to the kernel, um, that is, that is a very real thing, um, but anyway, and then you know, there's just your normal kind of churn of new things that are happening between the scheduler. The NVMe 2.1 specification has finally landed Some other things like that. So there's a handful of really cool things in 6.13. And here in a bit we're going to talk about what's coming in 6.14. And there is at least one thing in 6.14 that I am particularly excited to see happen.
21:37 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
But some good stuff in 13 as well, or at least a subset of what's coming in 14.
21:41 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Well yeah, which of the options are dropping tomorrow Do you look forward to seeing?
21:49 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
What do you mean?
21:53 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Of everything that's dropping with 6.13 tomorrow.
21:57 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Ah, the one that I will probably have the most chance of working with directly is the better performance for the Raspberry Pi. For the Raspberry Pi I will probably do another you know vanilla Raspberry Pi install of, say, fedora and get the 613 kernel on it. That'll probably be the one that I touch and really see the benefits of first.
22:24 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
So yeah, and personally I don't know if there's much coming that is going to have really any big. I mean there is some, some, like you know, new AMD CPU features, things like that. That might be kind of cool. But I think you know, realistically, a lot of times for the average person you're not going to really notice that much unless there's a specific piece of hardware or specific bug or something that applies to you that it's going to fix. If, if it's running, if your kernel is running fine, you're probably not going to really notice anything unless, yeah, you know, maybe if you're running benchmarks but just day-to-day computer use yeah, or or.
23:04 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
if you're running like the latest generation of graphics card, you may see um bump there, although anymore a lot of that code happens in Mesa, which is not actually part of the kernel. That's part of your user space.
23:21 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
I hope nobody tries going to 6.13, that's using a riserfs file system.
23:28 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Well, I would hope that nobody is using riserfs that is not aware that it is being phased out, and that's the previous version of riserFS too, right yeah it's an old one.
23:41 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
The latest version is actually out of the kernel.
23:45 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, so you're not running that one by accident, yeah that one by accident.
23:55 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, yeah, and we've talked about in the past where it's kind of gotten surpassed by. You know it was. It was really cutting edge when it first came out, but right over the years things have kind of equaled it or surpassed it. So it's. It's not the groundbreaking uh file system. It was at one time, yep.
24:10 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yep, yep, all right, so let's move on. What's up, ken, with TuxCare and NET?
24:20 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Channeling Rob.
24:23 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Actually, no, I was reading an article by Christine Hall. She wrote about continued support for Microsoft's NET 6.0 from TuxCare through TuxCare's Endless Lifecycle Support Program. Well, bad news is Microsoft NET 6.0 reached end of life on November 12, 2024. Yes, last year, or last November, so not that long ago. Fortunately, TuxCare is one of several companies offering aftermarket support for open source operating systems and other essential platforms. After its developers move on yes, Microsoft is moving on TuxCare's service will supply security patches for any vulnerabilities in Microsoftnet 6.0.
According to Christine, it's becoming more common for sysadmins and DevOps teams to rely on services like TuxCare rather than go through the often frustrating and always time-consuming and costly ordeal of upgrading a process that often breaks essential secondary components, which then have to be upgraded or fixed. Also and I do apologize if I mispronounce this, but Joa Correa, a technical evangelist for both TuxCare but for any of the other companies that offer aftermarket support for expired open source projects, Quoting Joe, that's somewhat of a departure in that we are now touching on proprietary Microsoft space which we hadn't touched before. At the same time, it's an open source project and we have lots of experience with those types of projects and maintaining them. Today, you have to admit it, Microsoft is a very large contributor to open source space. They have a presence on multiple projects. They have a very distinguished presence on the Linux kernel directly. So, yeah, they're essentially a considerable player in the open source space. End quote.
Now Christine feels it's still pretty much business as usual and mainly just underlines how much the open source landscape has changed since the aughts or 2000s when Microsoft was public enemy number one, At least in five circles. Yeah, Despite this, whenever Redmond is positively mentioned in an open source context, the need to defend treating it without rancor definitely surfaces. Many open source developers were pretty much jubilant when Microsoft open sourced NET 6.0 and have been relying on NET for years now. This makes the reasoning behind supporting it post end of-of-life the same as it would be for offering extended support for any open source platform, especially since software written for NET 6.0 will also need to be ported, which means even more time and more effort to fix something that isn't really broken. I recommend reading Christine's article for more details on this decision by TuxCare and her thoughts on providing aftermarket support for expired software.
28:25 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, that is very interesting that TuxCare is caring for NET now, but it's an open source project In fact. So NET is this open source. It's this much open source. You can just install it with DNF and Fedora. Now, that's like that's kind of the metric, at least for me. That is my metric for whether something is actually completely open sourced and not patent encumbered is. Can I just get it in a vanilla installed Fedora?
28:58 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Which means it's probably installable on RHEL as well. Yes, yep.
29:04 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
So those enterprise users are probably definitely going to take advantage of TouchScare's extended lifecycle support of test scares, extended life cycle support, and I'm guessing the later versions of dot net are they they. There's some api breakage in there so that it's not fully backwards compatible I assume.
29:23 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
So I am not a dot net developer, so I can't speak exactly to that. There's another question though um, and and this is sort of based on an assumption but is Red Hat also doing extended NET support? If they have support for any of these releases of Red Hat Enterprise Linux that have those NET packages, they would, as part of their support contract, also provide extended support for it beyond what Microsoft does. So maybe it's not just TuxCare, maybe there's just a couple of companies doing it.
29:59 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
The article mentions one or two other names, but it makes you wonder if RHEL's actually providing the support themselves or if they might be reselling somebody's support.
30:12 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
That is very possible. Or you know, what may even be happening is not so much that they're reselling, but it might be that let's see who's the other one that it does really, really long support. It's Suzy Linux Enterprise.
30:30 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
30:30 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Sousa, that's what I said, sless. Um, I believe they they are stepped up to like some crazy amount of support, like 10 years of support or something. Um, so it may be that both of those companies have gone to toxicare and said, hey, you guys are really good at this, why don't we pay you some money and you watch out for vulnerabilities? Um, but there are, you know, because those packages are now available, there are going to be several different places that sort of have, uh, have some responsibility to make sure that nothing too terrible happens to it yeah makes sense, and I can see a large company like red hat just saying oh you know what, it's just easier and cheaper for us to just pay somebody that's already kind of doing this to.
31:13 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
We will kind of license the support and partner with them right right, all right.
31:22 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Uh, jeff, you're gonna, you're gonna, jump the gun. I didn't, I didn't see this until just now. You're gonna talk about something in 614. Uh, it's okay, that's not the thing that I'm super excited about for 6.14. But this one does sound interesting.
31:36 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, well, I'm kind of covering a narrow band here and if you're a listener to this show for any length of time, you know that I like gaming and because of this I cover a lot of the graphics news, both hardware and software. And you know it's looking like we're going to have a new kernel released tomorrow, january 19th, you know, and, as Jonathan said, the 6.13 kernel is expected to be released. And when the kernel you know, when the kernel's released candidate, you know, is now deemed stable, the merge window opens for the very next kernel, which is, of course, going to be 6.14. I bring this up because people are already queuing up to have their code pulled in during the merge window. Now I'm going to cover some of the graphics items that are getting pulled into 6.14 and some code. That's kind of near graphics. There's probably a lot of near graphics here, and I say near because, for example, with this pull, david Arlisle of Red Hat is pulling up an AMD XDNA driver which is brand new, and this driver supports the Ryzen AI NPUs. Under Linux, npu stands for Neural Processing Unit, which is what AIs are based on neural networks and the really short version is the code helps synchronize, helps specialized hardware compete AI tasks at a very accelerated rate. So this is little bits of silicon that are specially designed to do these compute tasks, and which is kind of what a GPU is. It's a very specialized piece of silicon for special compute tasks. So this, this, though, is going to AI, and it's going to greatly increase the computing you can do in AI. More AMD GPU news the kernel graphics driver is adding DRM panic support.
You know this is also kind of referred to as the Linux blue screen of death, hearkening back to the Windows when it goes awry. You know everybody talks about the blue screen of death synonymous with crashing, and by tying into the kernel better, when something happens, you'll actually see the error state as it happened and not rely on a kernel dump, which has to be configured to happen. Depending on the settings of you know, and when it was how it was compiled, not all kernels will give a core dump. In this case, when something happens, you'll be able to get a QR code error message to allow for better troubleshooting and pinpointing of the problem as it exactly happens. So there are some thoughts that you know the core dumps, while they can tell you what happened, you know there's a lot more sifting through versus at the time of problem. It's a much more pinpointed error message.
The driver is also getting cleaner shader support for RDNA 2 graphics cards. Dcn 3.5 improvements, which is the instruction set for RDNA 3.5 cards, which would be the strict point cards. There's also updates in various RDNA 4 and Graphics 12 improvements. So I'm summarizing the fixes that are going into the driver. But in the article, in the show notes, there's a further link that goes deeper into all the improvements that are landing, or ideally landing, in the 6.14 kernel. Just because you're on the pull list doesn't mean you're actually going to get in, and we've seen this in the past. But you know when it's coming from people like Red Hat or you know Intel's AMD's, you have a very high likelihood that if they're putting it in for the merge, it'll make it.
In Speaking of Intel, intel is getting some love as well in the form of their XE and I915 drivers, which are bringing SR-IOV space PF scheduling priority. Iov space PF scheduling priority. Sr-iov stands for single root IO virtualization and the PF is physical function. Basically, this allows you to take a single PCIe device and you make it look like several PCIe devices by virtualizing the actual hardware. So this would be, for example, if you have a device that supports, you know, you have like a graphics card that you can kind of break into, like, say, two graphics cards, and then you could have two users actually using the graphics card at the same time. Enterprise hardware supports this more of the time but they don't, you know, they don't like to have their consumer cards a lot of times do this. But there's other applications as well, so it's now coming through the Intel driver.
The next generation Panther-like chipset is also going to get support for ultra high bit rate UHBR mode for DisplayPort with Thunderbolt in its alt mode. So UHBR 10 allows for 40 gigabits per second bandwidth and UHBR20 gives 20 gigabits per second bandwidth. There's also several other graphics improvements for the Intel code. Take a look at the article in the show notes for more details, as I've skipped over a lot of you know graphics and improvements, other chipsets that I haven't talked about, so lots of stuff I didn't mention. But all the details can be found there and they've got several links to sub articles which go into even greater detail of the changes that are coming. So basically, we're set to get a lot of graphical and AI goodness in the 6.14 kernel.
36:48 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yes, some really fun things there. What I wanted to talk about I will go ahead and pull up is the NTSync feature and that is something that is in the kernel itself and it is supposed to land in 6.14,. It looks like Now with 6.14, we're sort of reading the tea leaves right. 614, we're sort of reading the tea leaves right Because these things have not been merged yet, but it's it's. It's larable looking at the, the various branches where people track this stuff, and into sync is the. It's sort of a primitive from windows that has been added to the kernel specifically for wine, and that's kind of a minor miracle that the colonel guys allowed it right. Like that's sort of the thing that in the past they've sort of not appreciated. I think it helps a lot that valve is pushing this and valve is doing some other neat things. Uh, anyway it. Uh, if you, if you click through on the articles listed, um, you've got the percentage of improvement on various games with all of the NTSync stuff running and you know, you've got like Dirt 3 has a 678% frame rate improvement. It goes from 110 to 860 frames. So like there's just some, there's some big gains to be had. So like there's just some. There's some big gains to be had and it is a big enough gain to get it to people. 6.14 is going to show a huge performance improvement on a bunch of different Windows games running through Wine, running through Proton so it's going to be really cool. It's going to be a big deal.
There's a few other things that are in here that are really really interesting the AMD GPU, drm, panic, support for the blue screen of death yay, we have more blue screen of death in linux. Um. And of course yes, I'm being sarcastic, but at the same time that can be useful more than just so. It's better than your system just absolutely freezing or, you know, it may be better than your system going to just the console to show you what's going on. Uh, you get a little bit more information about it.
And there's other updates in here. There's a new RISC-V processor the one that the BananaPy development board is built around, is now supported in the kernel. That is pretty neat as well. And then a bunch of sort of smaller things that, like we mentioned earlier, unless you're hitting this bug or you have this hardware or it's a thing that you specifically want to be able to do, it probably doesn't make that much difference to you. Just acknowledge that it's a bunch of little fixes and little updates and little improvements all around. But between the gpu stuff that jeff just talked about and the nt sync support, I think 614 is going to be really cool and really exciting.
40:01 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
I'm looking forward to it, and 614 is the version that ubuntu is planning to ship.
40:07 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Yes, 25.04 I'm looking forward to the Chrome OS UCSI driver.
40:16 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
I saw that as I flipped through here. What exactly is UCSI?
40:26 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
USB-C platform policy. Ah, that's used on Chrome OS, with Chromebooks featuring the Chrome OS Embedded Controller and supporting a platform policy manager. Basically, ucsi is the USB Type-C connector system software interface.
40:54 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
That's the sort of thing that doesn't sound necessarily too exciting, but you might see people doing some really interesting things with it in the future. Those are the sort of drivers that give you really interesting abilities when plugging things in.
41:08 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Like using power and audio and video, potentially All on the same cable.
41:27 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, potentially is basically crashing and it writes a whole bunch of information to your disk so that ideally you can go in there and parse through it and figure out why your kernel crashed. But it's kind of just a big, literally a dump, so there's a lot of kind of rooting through it and digging to figure out what's what's going on a dump of core memory.
41:50 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Which core? Which? Core memory is a term from way back in the old days when we were talking, you know, when mainframes roved the land.
42:05 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Do you think we'll see BcashFS merges this with 6.14?
42:16 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
merges this with 614 there. There was also, yes, something with bcash fs, where they're doing round robin, uh, raid one which you know has the potential to make raid one on bcash fs a decent bit faster.
42:24 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Uh, and we will see was that the cash fs or btr fs, butter fs?
42:31 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
oh, that was butter fs. I know what you're asking about, ken. Okay, I've not seen any news on that. Um so well, it should it should.
42:40 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, so for people that don't remember, we talked about this, uh, two or three episodes ago where the, the one of the main programmers for BcacheFS kind of got in trouble on the kernel Linux mailing list and they denied his merge request. But it was only supposed to be for the 6.13 kernel and they were going to open it back up to that person again in 6.14. So it should be available for them to put in their code to get merged. And a lot of times when they open the merge window people don't always have everything queued up ahead of time. So just because we haven't talked about it, we don't see it listed yet, doesn't mean that it's not going to get submitted. They have a week to submit their code.
43:31 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Up to two weeks, I think in some cases. Yeah, I think it's two weeks Okay. I think it can depend on how it lines up with other schedules, like if a major holiday is going to be right in the middle or right at the end of the merge window. It'll get adjusted a little bit in either direction, but I think it's usually right at two weeks.
43:51 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
So I guess. Bottom line, though, is, just because we don't see see it listed so far doesn't mean it might not appear, right right because you've got a few weeks there for them to get it in.
44:02 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
We hope yeah, yeah, so all right. Well, let's move along, and I think up next is some OpenSUSE Tumbleweed news, and it's yet another Wayland win.
44:18 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Yes and Jonathan. This week, marius Nestor wrote about the OpenSUSE project's latest announcement, which is OpenSUSE Tumbleweed rolling release distro now comes with Wayland support for those who want to install and use the latest LXQt desktop environment. Now, lxqt 2.1 is the first release of the lightweight desktop environment to introduce an experimental Wayland session through the implementation of a new component called ready for it LXQT-Wayland-Session. Doesn't that sound great? The Wayland session supports several compositors, including LabWC, kwin, wayfire, hyperland, sway River and Neri, according to Marius at least. Since OpenSUSE doesn't offer a dedicated live ISO image with the LXQT desktop, you'll have to install it from the repositories on top of your existing environment or perform a fresh install. According to Marius, when performing a fresh install, you must choose the generic desktop option during the installation, then select LXQt by clicking on the software section in the installation summary before starting the installation. After you have LXQT 2.1 installed, you then install LXQT-Wyland-Session manually, and Marius provides a command in his article that would let you just do that as a one-liner. After installing the LXQT-Wayland-Session package, you must also install a Wayland compositor.
Now, the OpenSUSE LXQT team doesn't currently offer any recommendations for a default Wayland compositor for LXQT. They do suggest KWIN for the best possible support LabWC for hardcore LXQT users, hyperlun, neri River or Sway for those who want a tiling desktop or, if you like, lots of desktop effects, wayfire. Marius chose LabWC and said it works nicely. Now I do want to remind you again this is an experimental Wayland system, so you may find some of LXQT's components are not Weighland compatible. If you want to try LXQT on tumbleweed, then read Marius's article for the detailed installation instructions. So, jeff, should I switch my tumbleweed installation from KDE to LXQt?
47:35 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, I'll be honest, I'm a KDE fan. I have used older versions of LXQt and various other ones, and GNOME KDE. I like the customizations that you can do, even though I don't get really deep into customizing my desktop. But it's just kind of what I like, like an old pair of shoes that just fit just right. It's like oh, this is nice.
48:10 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
The nice thing about KDE is that somebody comes along every few weeks and re-sales it for you, so you know it fits just right. But it's nice and new and shiny at the same time.
48:18 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
True, Very true, I've got to boot back into Tumbleweed and find out which version of KDE it's on now.
48:28 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, I'm probably not ever going to go to LXQt Just not my thing either. All right, jeff, let's talk PCI Express. This is kind of one of your babies, maybe in more ways than one, but what's new? What's the published news on PCI Express 7 these days?
48:52 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
So this story, as kind of Jonathan was hinting at, isn't exactly about Linux, but I did run across this article on Foronix and, you know, since we cover hardware once in a while, I thought this might be an interesting topic. So today we're going to talk about PCIe Express version 7, which is a new revision, but it's a .7, which means it hasn't been fully released yet, but it's still scheduled to be released sometime later this year, you know, sometime in 2025. They haven't given an exact date. Now, you know, I'm sure there's several of you thinking PCIe 7? I only have PCIe version 5 in my computer. Now, that's even assuming you have a very recent motherboard. We haven't even seen PCIe 6, and it's already been out and ratified for a while. I think it's about coming up on a year in a few
months. What the heck is going on? Well, to start from the beginning, the PCIe-SIG group is a consortium of different people and groups who work on different versions of the PCIe Express standard. They're the ones that set everything, and the goal is to have a doubling of data every time they release a specification. For example, if you take the full x16 width of our current PCIe version 5, we can do 128 gigabits a second. Now that's theoretical throughput, so take that with a grain of salt. Like anything, there's a little overhead and you never get the true theoretical maximum, but you get an idea. Pcie Gen 6, which has been released but we don't have any hardware for it yet, is set for 256 gigabytes a second, and PCIe Gen 7, and those of you who are adept at math have already calculated it out is going to have 512 gigabytes a second, again when using the full x16 width. Now this sounds good, but doesn't answer the question about why we don't even have Gen 6 now. The short answer is the verification of the standard. So once the standard is released, that's all well and good. But then there's hardware which is designed and created to be able to actually test the standard in the real world, the compliance. You need things to plug into the hardware and you need programs on things like oscilloscopes and other test devices which can test the compliance of the standard. But since nothing exists to test the software against, it's a process where two things are being tested against each other and the data verified to see if things are behaving like they should. To see if things are behaving like they should Now PCIe Gen 6 and 7 brings also some new signaling technology called
PAM4. Gen 5 and below use signaling called NRZ, or non-return to zero. This is the kind of signaling that most people think of when they think of binary communication. The lowest voltage normally a zero, zero volts or close to it represents a digital bit of zero and the high voltage represents a bit of one. There's a little more to it than that, but that's the basic concept. While signaling in NRZ can represent one bit, pam4, in the same amount of time, assuming the same frequency, can represent four bits. It does this by having four defined voltages instead of having two defined voltages in the signal. So if we keep a simple example and have a voltage range from zero to three volts, zero volts represents bits, zero, zero. You know two bits because it takes two bits to represent four numbers. One volt would represent the binary digit, zero, one and so
on. Now what this does is complicate the compliance testing. Not only does it have to be backwards compatible to handle the NRZ encoding of older cards and drives, but it also has to handle PAM4 signaling of the new cards and drives. So the biggest jump in compliance testing is from generation five to generation six, since gen six is the first one with PAM4 signaling. Now the PCI-SIG group delayed initial compliance testing for a few months in 2024 for Gen 6. So the compliance testing for Gen 6 is going on right now. So we should see Gen 6 hardware hit the market soon, probably maybe in the fall or something. You know, it's not that far
away. But Gen 7 is scheduled to start the compliance testing in 2028. Now the PCI-SIG group has delayed the Gen 7 testing until then, but they didn't state why. Now we're probably going to see Gen 7 devices and I'm just guessing at this around 2030, because it takes about 12 to 18 months, possibly up to two years, from when a standard's ratified before you actually see it. Now keep in mind that not much can fully saturate a Gen 5 slot at the consumer level currently. So, like all our big graphics cards and everything and you know, some drives can kind of get close but sustained not really so for the average consumer level we're not really running out of bandwidth on the PCI bus Not yet anyway, you know. So I just want to give a little status update. I saw the article, thought it would be fun to talk about and kind of go over everything, and you know I tell you what you know the future for computing keeps getting better and better, and you know I just keep looking forward to it, so it's always exciting times.
54:45 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, so one of the things that I was going to ask you kind of just touched on it, we can dive a little bit more into it, and that is like what, what kind of devices does this even make sense for? Right, like one of the things with pci express 5, I think, is that hardly anything exists that could use that much speed. Uh, and so like the, the market, even in 2030, the market for things that can do like a full x16 of PCI Express 7. It's got to be tiny.
55:16 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, it's very enterprise, industrial type stuff. So, like networking, you know things like that. If you can use some of the like in Linux, we've talked about how you can use networked memory for computing as well, so you could have big memory pools that you could have multiple servers working on so that you don't have to put all the memory into one server. You can have it into a central pool that all of them kind of share based on their load. So it's gonna be basically drives, networking memory things and even drives. It's not so much like a single drive. It would be a large array of drives that you could have striped, or large banks of something that holds a lot of NAND memory that's really fast, or even some of the CXL-type devices that can really pump out some data and so this is.
56:16 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
This is something that comes to my mind is we're probably going to see the ability to do more with fewer lanes, and it's not so much that especially for consumers there's probably not going to be very many x16 devices that can fully take advantage of it, but with this much bandwidth per lane, you could do a lot more with an X4 device. Oh, definitely, that seems like that might be something that we could go to in the future.
56:40 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
You know, you get into this kind of this ridiculous, you know, ludicrous speed and I don't know, maybe GPUs become X8 by default instead of X16, and you see more X4 GPUs that are pretty much fully performant and maybe it even goes back to the sli type, uh, or cross the crossfire, yeah, possibly, where now you can have several slots that are by eight or by four, that are full speed, because we have pcie5 right now, so pci 6, if you have a x8 slot, that's going to be as fast as your PCIe Gen 5, x16. And, like currently right now, the fastest card is a 4090, and it will just barely saturate a PCIe Gen 4. So it's nowhere near filling up a Gen 5. Yeah, yeah.
57:37 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Could you see anybody coming out with a PCIe connected RAID device that you just plug into your computer and slap the NVMe zone?
57:50 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
You could, it would have to be something kind of striped because you're still limited at the at the memory cell level there's a lot of caching and logic that goes in and as even memory speeds increase a lot, there's a lot more pre-fetching and things like that going on because the actual memory cell hasn't increased in speed that much. Yeah, it's, it's all the, the anticipation of what you might need so you can pre-load it. So as you're streaming data out of the device, it looks like, wow, this is reading really fast. It's way ahead of you setting up reading cells and so it can just keep, uh, pre pre-fetching all that stuff. So it looks, looks extremely fast. But there's still some device physics that are. Things are improving, but not at the rate that advertised memory speed is.
58:45 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Yeah, makes sense. So basically 2035, before we see any consumer devices like video capture cards, before we see any consumer devices like video capture cards Probably.
58:54 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
You know, and we'll see some drives, whether or not they can fully use it or not. You know that could be something, because remember, when we had early PCIe Gen 5 drives, they were actually running at Gen 4 speeds. They kind of said hey, I support Gen 5, 5, but I'm just going to kick down to gen 4.
59:15 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
yeah, you know, there was a little, since that's all we've got no, I mean it was.
59:19 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
It was a gen 5 drive on a gen 5 slot, but the but to have the silicon prepared to actually communicate all the time at that speed. They didn't really have it. So you can put in a little logic that says, okay, we're going to say we're gen 5, we're going to talk a little bit at gen 5, we're going to kick into gen 4 for the actual data transfers, and the rest of the chips can't support that speed anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
So we're capable of gen 5 yeah, well, we, we do enough for the advertising, so we can check the box and then.
59:54 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
You mentioned oscilloscopes to be able to do some of this, testing of this, this sort of data rates. That's not just any oscilloscope.
01:00:02 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
No, no, there's some, I know there's. I think it's about, and this is just advertised off the websites. I think it's about 100 gigabit is where they're currently at and those types of his skill scopes. They're big because to get that to speed up like that it's, it's, it's takes a lot of power to do that and a lot of times there's a lot of multiplexing in the background where you can't have one chip reading this. You have multiple chips and then they're all reading different sections of the signal and then it puts it all together in the background. So that's the multiplexing where, okay, I can't have chip a and chip you know read this signal. So I'm going to have a, b, c, d and they're all staggered a bit so it's sampling at that really high rate. But by the time chip a is ready to sample again, all the other ones have fired. And then there's logic in the background. Okay, okay, we captured all this, let's stitch it together and transform it into what your actual waveform is.
And kind of a side note too at that frequency you can't just like I'm going to take a probe and touch down and the, the signaling dynamics at that speed are crazy. I mean the, the, the basic is the signal equation is really large. When you're running at, say, you know one megahertz, you know most of that stuff in that equation. It's almost zero. We can ignore it. This is this. This is almost like one. So we just add this in it's, you know it's. It's a lot of stuff simplifies at that speed, all that stuff matters and it a lot, a lot of uh considerations have to go in, even even the angle that you uh measure at and and at that speed. It's all like coaxed cable and things like that, because because probe tips uh generate too much rf and they pick up too much signaling noise how much noise did you add to the circuit by touching that probe?
too much, oh, oh, way too much and it, and yeah, it's, and depending where you touch and how you touch, so there's some high-end probes at much lower frequencies that they have a gap between them, say, we'll say, two millimeters I'm just making something up. Well, they're adjustable. And when you readjust that gap to touch your trace, because the trace is slightly, uh, wider than what you have, so they, they're adjustable so you can open them up a little bit. You have to recalibrate them to handle that signaling because it changes. And when you touch down you don't touch down at a 90 degree, you touch down at an angle and there there's a lot of specifics that go into it at that speed and and those types of scopes anyway, I mean they're wicked. You know you're over a million dollars, and then you have to have the software to run with it. And I got to have the compliance package and I got to have all this other stuff to support it. Yeah, you know you're.
01:03:17 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
You're definitely up there in the realm of call for price.
01:03:21 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah Well, anybody buying those it's probably not as much call for prices. Uh, they've already. Corporate has negotiated a price and discount and and you have like a price sheet that the corporation has of and you know even big corporations they're not. No, not everybody has these. They're pretty shared because of the expense and very few people have a true need for that kind of high end speed.
But when you're you're doing PCIe, you know gen six and not only are you reading signals, you got to be able to unpack it and you could do that manually, but it's just would be very tedious and time consuming. So they make compliance packages that you can plug in and it reads the signals and says, oh yes, this is what the bits that are coming out. What it actually means and it can handle, you know, is your slew rate at the proper timing so that it, when, when your drive or your motherboard is saying, hey, is it what? What bits are here? Has it reached the state it should, or is it still maybe climbing to its uh position? Yeah, so you give you bad data.
01:04:38 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
One of these scopes have to be able to over sample the, the speed that the circuit is running at, to be able to actually get some of that fine data about slew. Because if you're sampling at the same frequency that your circuit is running at, you do not get slew information. You just essentially get binary information and you actually need some analog information to be able to look at slew rates and what the signal actually looks like.
01:05:04 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Yeah, the general rule of thumb is you want 10 times the sampling rate of your actual signal to be able to get a true, uh, accurate picture of your signal. Now you can get slower than that if you're not super particular about the slew rate, not really trying to define your highs and lows and your slope, but when you're really really in, 10x is kind of the industry standard rule of thumb. Yeah.
01:05:36 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
So, getting back out of the nitty gritty of the hardware, how quickly could I run Linux distribution on Windows subsystem for Linux on Windows running in a virtual box on a Linux system?
01:05:56 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
Two gigahertz.
01:06:00 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Well, I believe that was a convoluted segue into my last story. Yeah, and that is that in Fedora 42, we are going to have official Fedora images for the WSL, for the Windows subsystem for Linux, and this is pretty neat for those of us that are Fedora fans that occasionally have to touch Windows. I don't have to very. I guess I do for customers, but I don't do it hardly any on my machines. But this is something that hadn't existed and now has been voted upon by the Fedora Engineering and Steering Committee, aka FESCO, and they have approved the shipping of Fedora Linux WSL images. And so that means that starting with Fedora 42, you know, once it all percolates through the Microsoft Store and all that, you'll be able to jump on a Windows machine, go to the Microsoft store and say install Fedora, and it will give you a Fedora image inside of WSL, which is really pretty cool. And it's neat to have another option out there. Ubuntu has been there for a long time, I think, and there's been a couple of others, but less Red Hat based, a couple of others, but less Red Hat-based, red Hat's sort of from that line of you know, from the Red Hat line. Fewer of those distros have been available, and now Fedora is going to be out there for a very bleeding-edge distro on WSL, and so that's going to be cool. I'm probably not going to make much use of it, but it's nice to know that it's there.
We need Rob here to talk about this one. Rob's the guy that would actually use this. Yeah, not me, either Rob or David. Yeah, david David might make something like this as well. He does Floss Weekly from Windows. I mean, david David might make you something like this as well. He does Floss Weekly from Windows.
01:07:57 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
I mean goodness.
01:07:58 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
It hurts my heart a little bit it does A little tear in my eye.
01:08:03 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
All right, let's move to some command line tips. We're going to let Ken go first and he's still on a pipe. Wire kick, I do believe.
01:08:11 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
I've got quite a few to go through still, though as I dig into them deeper I'm finding I may end up having to diverge into some of the other commands pertaining to audio, midi and video. But this week I am covering the Pipewire Device Reservation Utility, or you can just simply type pw-reserve. Now you can use the ALSA mixer. Thank you, jonathan, for covering that in Episode 39. And he also covered another one, a Play in 120. You can use these commands to identify your audio cards or devices. Since this is what you're using the PW Reserve with Now, if you have just a single card, it should be numbered zero. Now let me go ahead and bring up my screenshots here so you can see what I'm talking about. Here we go, and let's go back to the beginning here. I was going through them earlier. Make sure I had them all. But with the first screenshot it's showing me with the two standards dash-dash help and dash-dash version options. Dash-dash help, of course, gives you how you would format the command on the command line and what options you could use with it, and what options you could use with it. In the case of PW Reserve, in addition to the dash dash help and dash dash version, you have dash dash name or dash in. This is the name you use to reserve the device you're going to talk about. It could be audio zero, midi zero or video zero. It could be audio 0, midi 0, or video 0, or one or two depending on how many devices you've got for that type. You can also give an application name that you want to reserve, which is, but the default here is PW reserve. For the application name, you can set a priority. It defaults to zero. You can release by doing a dash R or dash dash release. Basically that requests a release when the device is busy and you can do dash M or dash dash monitor. Now, this will only monitor the device, it doesn't try to acquire it.
But if we move on to screenshot two, I've brought up my pulse audio volume control with the configuration tab shown showing all my audio devices and you'll see on the terminal that I've got it displayed also for those of y'all listening. It's pw-reserve, space, dash in space, capital A for the audio zero. And then screenshot three shows the response from that and how I did actually get it to come up With the first command. It just ran and said device audio zero is busy. Use dash R to attempt to release, which I did right after, and it did release it. It gave you information that it was requesting a release on audio zero Reserve, available on orgfreedesktopreservedevice1.audio0.
If you'll look, follow the link I've got on PW Reserve you'll see that it has information about how they standardize the reservation names. But if you look down at my pulse audio volume control you'll see it's only listing three devices. Now let's go back to the second screenshot for a minute and you'll see that the one for my HDMI output to my SanU TV is there, but now it's gone. Audio Zero reserved that, pulling it out of Pulse Audio so that I could use it and say jack. Then we move on to screenshot for where it shows me doing a signal interrupt or a Control-C and it releases audio and it comes back and I did some playing around and I found out that the HDMI is my Audio 1. My Behringer preamp is a PCM2902 audio codec. This is audio two or, excuse me, audio one. It's zero one for the Behringer. Two is the family 17H slash 19H audio controller and three is my C920 Pro HD webcam which, if you'll notice here, I've got it actually disabled in my pulse audio configuration so that it's not used by anything at all.
01:14:17 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
So I'm wondering, in thinking about what this is going to be used for. If you didn't want to have that disabled, but you wanted to have it just completely ignored, could you just run PW Reserve as part of your boot and make that device just totally go away and disappear and never show up again? Or in a script that you're running before you uh set up, yeah seems like that could be one of the uh, one of the uses of this that. That would be very interesting because I'm still having to.
01:14:51 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Uh, I tried setting it up to auto start with KDE in a terminal but it's not recognizing the last week's command, the Pulse, pipewire Pulse, nash Pulse. So I'm setting that up in a separate terminal that I open up and run, and you can see where I was opening and closing it as I was playing around both with it and this at the same time.
01:15:24 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, yeah, interesting, all right, very cool. So up next. Jeff, you've got a command I'm not familiar with here. What is this?
01:15:37 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
LPQ, which is going to be pretty basic here but stands for Linux Printer Queue and it's just like it sounds. It'll let a user see what's in the printer queue. So there's not many options. It's a pretty basic command in the printer queue. So there's not many options. It's a pretty basic command. There's an interval command or option that will let you have a continuous query going at whatever interval you specify, so you can monitor your printer queue at whatever time frame you desire.
There's a dash L which will give you a long or more verbose version of the output. A dash U to specify a different username. So if you want to look out, look at what specific user has in their queue. Dash H is for specifying a remote server, so you can look on other servers to find out what's in their queue. And you have like a dash A that reports all the jobs or the jobs on all the printers connected to your machine. Of course you know you can string these together so you could say, oh, I'm going to look at all the print queues on this remote machine or on the user on this remote machine, that kind of thing you know, if you have more than one printer connected to your machine.
The dash P option will let you specify a specific printer. So it's the basic you know you. It's let you show what you you would kind of think your options would be, and that's basically about it. There's a link in the show notes, the man page for lpq, so you can do more reading and keeping up, keep up on your printing in line. But I pretty much gave you everything the man page has. So now, now if you're on the console, you can uh keep track of all your printing fun.
01:17:26 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, all right. Um, I've got one. It's not exactly a command line tip, although there's a lot of command line work that you will probably use if you go to do this and that is OBS, but not the open broadcasting system, the open build service, and one of the projects that I'm a part of. We were kind of struggling to figure out how to do Linux builds, and so we've got, you know, we've got a bunch of builds running now through a PPA and we've got Fedora builds running through a copper, copr.
But then there were some other, some other places that we wanted to be able to build stuff, and one of the one of the ones that really was getting us was doing builds for the Raspberry Pi, because particularly the 32 bit Raspberry Pi is kind of its own weird little thing. It's not ARMv8. It's not even ARMv7. Technically it's like ARMv6, which is a sort of obscure 32-bit hard float ARM system, and trying to find a service that will do builds for you for that in particular was a challenge. And come to find out, opensuse runs the OpenBu, open build service and they will do builds for tumbleweed, they will do builds for, uh, raspberry pi os and they will do builds for fedora, because the two of those three things at least are rpm based. I think that's why they do those. And then nobody else was stepping up to do Raspberry Pi builds and so they stepped up to do that.
I think there may also be a couple of other targets that you can hit with it, but it's a super useful build service. Let's see Arch, kiwi, simple Image, app Image, flatpak, debian, rpm so basically everything, everything you can think of just about that you would want to build for the open build service will do it. Uh, it's free for open source projects. You can just you can jump in there and make it happen. It was a little bit easier to work with than the ppa service. Um, yeah, if you need to, if you need to build and distribute packages, uh, open build service is great. So add that to and again, that's sort of niche, I know, but add that to sort of your tool bag of tricks. If you're ever in a position where it's like, man, I need to get builds done for the Raspberry Pi, well, there you go, they're the guys to do it for you.
01:19:44 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
So does this mean you're going to cover one of the other OpenSUSE tools next week?
01:19:49 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Which one are you thinking of?
01:19:55 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
which one are you thinking of?
01:19:58 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
I'd like to see you try to do a cover of Yast. Oh yeah, yeah, yet another. What does that stand for Something tool? Yet another setup tool. Yeah, yet another setup tool. We could look at that. I've never played much with Yast. There are a couple of other tools out there that are similar to it.
01:20:17 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
The one that really sounds interesting is Kiwi.
01:20:22 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, I can look into OpenSUSE's stuff, see if there's some more of those command line tools that we want to mess with. It sounds like fun See what we can do about that. Well, we have done our news and our command line tips. I'm gonna let each of the guys get in the last word if they want it. We'll start with jeff. What do you?
01:20:38 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
have. Uh, I have a link for in the ending notes. So sorry, no, uh, poetry corner today. Uh, just wanted to say for all you gamers out there, glorious egg roll. Proton 9-23 was released. It's, you know, updates Wine to the Bleeding Edge. You know, fixes, some Battlenet broken updates, update VDK or DXVK to the latest Git updates, vkd3, proton, dxvk-nvapi. You know a lot of upstream fixes and the link in the show notes also will show you the other Proton fixes. There's, you know, some Bioshock remastered fixes and launcher fixes. So, for those of you that enjoy Proton gaming, glorious Eggroll is out there and, with that being said, I hope everybody has a great, great Linux week coming up.
01:21:39 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
All right Ken.
01:21:41 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
Well, as we're moving into tax season, I just want to remind everybody start backing up.
01:21:49 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Oh, taxes. Thank you for that.
01:21:54 - Jeff Massie (Co-host)
I said, have a happy week. You kind of rained on that parade there, ken, you still got three months before.
01:22:03 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
You have to get it in by.
01:22:05 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, I'm already starting to get emails though messages and things in the mail.
01:22:12 - Ken McDonald (Co-host)
I actually was downloading some of the tax forms I needed last month.
01:22:17 - Jonathan Bennett (Host)
Yeah, my wife just today was like we need to make a tax folder for this year. Yes, we do. All right, thank you guys for being here. I will plug Hackaday.
So behind my Yaquick console, which I have popped down because I've been messing with Firefox, there is the Hackaday website. You can find my stuff there, plus weekly it records on Tuesdays and goes live on Wednesdays. And then we've got the security column goes live every Friday morning. Enjoy both of those things very much. Would love you to come check it out. And if you've not checked out, club Twit, someone sent me a message the other day like where's the video feed for the Untitled Linux Show? Well, that is a part of Club Twit and you should check it out. It's about the price of a cup of coffee per month and it's the way to support this show and the Twit Network and we sure appreciate those of you that do and we appreciate everyone that watches and or listens to the show, those that get us live and on the download. And hey, we will see you next week on the Untitled Linux Show.