This Week in Law 286 (Transcript)
Denise Howell: Next up on This Week in Law, we've got our last
episode of the year. We're going to bring you the best of Cox and drones of
2014. We wish we were a drone flying over the Garcia v. Google 9th Circuit en banc argument because it was replete with orcs, Celine Dion and
human cannonballs. We'll tell you about all that and much more next, on This
Week in Law.
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Denise: This is TWiL, This Week in
Law with Denise Howell, episode 286, recorded December 19, 2014.
Orcs and SOPA Zombies
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Hi folks, I'm Denise Howell. Thank you so much for
joining us for our final episode of This Week in Law in 2014. We have a
phenomenal panel joining us today. In fact, I have a wonderful introduction to
make. Not her first introduction to the show because she joined us back on
episode 272 but we've already announced on Twitter and elsewhere, but now I get
to formally announce on the show. Sarah Pearson is going to be joining me as
our co-host of This Week in Law starting after the first of the year. She won't
be on our very first episode in 2015 but shortly thereafter, she'll be coming
on board on a regular basis and she's hear with us today. Hello, Sarah!
Sarah Pearson: Hello, Denise. I'm really excited and actually, a
little bit terrified about this. But I think it'll be a lot of fun and I'll
learn a lot. So I'm excited.
Denise: Absolutely. I am so excited and not terrified at all.
I'm so glad to have you joining us. Nor am I terrified about any of the rest of
our panel today. I don't think you will be too, I think you're going to really
enjoy the folks that we're bringing you here at year end. The first of those
people is Margot Kaminski. Hello, Margot.
Margot Kaminski: Hi, Denise. Thanks for having me again.
Denise: Great to have you back on the show. Margot has shifted
gears since the last time she joined us. At that time, you were still the
executive director of the Information Society Project at Yale, Margot. Now
you're over at Ohio State University teaching, researching and doing
scholarship there. We're thrilled that you could take the time out to join us
Margot: Yes, this is right in the middle of our exam periods,
so it's an exciting time for all of our students.
Denise: Yes, that's one way to put it. Another fellow who's
not at all unfamiliar with the arduous process of being a law student, once
upon a time, is Jake Heller, the founder of Casetext. Hello, Jake.
Jake Heller: Hey, how's it going?
Denise: Great to have you here, Jake. Could you tell us, real
quickly, about Casetext for people who aren't familiar with the company?
Jake: Sure. Casetext, which is at, is a legal
research website where all the cases and statutes involved have annotations
added by a community of lawyers. So what we do, essentially, is we pull in all
the amazing things written by law firms, by bloggers, by law professors on
their blogs and add that to the legal research database, as well as have a lot
of information that people have added to the cases themselves. The idea is, if
you're doing research on Casetext, you do it with context. You understand what
the headlines are about, what's been written about it and what the most
important parts of the case are.
Denise: I just love this idea and I want to talk to you more
about it a little later on in the show. But there have been a lot of
interesting developments lately that I'd love to get into first, if everyone is
game to go. We haven't yet talked about the Sony hack here on This Week in Law
and I think we should, given the news that came out even after our sort of
definitive show on the network that covers all things related to hacking and
Security Now. The very day after Steve Gibson's show this week, it was learned
or announced by the US Government that we believe North Korea to be behind the
attack. The New York Times is reporting today that the FBI has come out
publicly and said that it has extensive evidence the North Korean government
organized the cyber attack that came after Sony. So at least we have someone
that fingers are being pointed at. With this panel, I wanted to get into sort
of the, what now, issue. If, in fact, the FBI is confident that they know the
identity of the hackers, what sort of legal or other recourses are we looking
at, if any? Margot, any thoughts on that?
Margot: I think this is an incredibly difficult area of the
law and one that I'm not particularly well versed in. I know that the laws of
cyberwarfare in the international context are really difficult to navigate
because it's not clear what counts as an offense. In this case, you know, you
have possibly a state actor going up against a private company. I'm not sure
whether the US Government is going to want to get directly involved.
Denise: Yes, it certainly sounds like there are a lot of moving parts to it and some delicate diplomatic issues at stake. Possible
some life and death issues at stake with Sony being a Japanese-based company
and there being Japanese prisoners held in North Korea, so certainly I wouldn't
be surprised if we saw a lot of treading lightly. Diplomatically, over
[feedback], from a legal standpoint, Sarah – you know, I was talking about this
with Keith Strier, who was on the show a couple of episodes ago, earlier this
week. We were both just kind of scratching our head and going, “So, you know,
what do you do when you've got a cyber attack by a foreign state? It's not
exactly like you can bring them into US court and turn an overzealous
prosecutor on to them under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, can you?”
Sarah: Yes, that's right. I mean, I think the enforcement
issues are really tough. There's also just kind of the practical issue of, if
we do something to retaliate, then there might be retaliation back and maybe
that's worse than the original attack. So I think it's a really tricky area.
One thing I read this morning is, George Clooney is
really speaking out about the precedent that this sets in terms of the ability
of hackers, or terrorists or anyone to kind of dictate what content we see,
what movies and that sort of thing. I think that's a really interesting point.
Denise: Yes, it sure is. Jake, do you have any thoughts on
Jake: Yes. I think there are a bunch of interesting things
happening here. One that hasn't been covered a lot but that gets discussed
sometimes, when there are hacks like this, is what implications this has for
what should be private communications between people like Sony and their
lawyers. Now that, kind of, hacking has become common, you know, I would not be
surprised if some of the more interesting releases that come out should be
privileged – or should have been privileged. We may find in the coming weeks,
as has happened in previous hacks, a lot of stuff that was meant to stay that
way ends up getting released by the likes of WikiLeaks, or in this case, North
Korea. I think that raises a lot of interesting questions around the, what you
should and should not communicate to your lawyer, and how secure is that,
really? How do you protect the privilege in context where what should be secure
email networks gets hacked? So I think there's a lot of interesting other
potential legal issues that might arise in this.
Denise: All right, well, I think that's a fantastic segue into
some of the stories that I've grouped for us today under the entertainment
topic. Great, let's get into some things that might have been confidential
communications between the MPAA and its lawyers, perhaps, that came out – part
of the many, many things that have been leaked as a result of the North Korean
hack was – I'm going ahead and assuming that if the FBI says it's pretty
confident that North Korea did it, that North Korea did it. I suppose that
people could take issue with that and certainly, some question marks went off
in my mind as I was reading through the coverage and the justifications. Again,
a lot of it is not being released by the FBI because they're not going to tell
us exactly how they do these investigations. It's all confidential and matters
of national security. But part of the coverage emphasizes over and over again,
how these attacks resemble other attacks that have been done by North Korea. Of
course, one way to make it look like North Korea did the attack is to model
your attack after things that North Korea is thought to have done in the past.
So, you know, I guess I haven't – it's impossible to know exactly who did this,
without knowing who did it. But when the FBI says they're pretty confident, I
guess we can be pretty confident.
Now that I've gone down that rat hole, let us reroute
to talking about things that came to light as a result of the hack. One of the
things, supposedly, is that the MPAA and others affiliated with it have been
working with state attorneys general to pursue investigations, legal
investigations, possibly criminal investigations, against Google. Margot, what
do you make of all this?
Margot: This is incredibly fascinating. The relationship
between criminal law and something we're going to talk about later, which is
private ordering agreements between content companies and internet service
providers is really interesting to me and has been for a while. With the basic
idea being that the MPAA thinks that it can get companies like Google to make
these agreements with them to filter content if they have stick in place, which
is the threat of criminal enforcement of some kind. So these revelations show
that this is actually a deliberate strategy on the part of the MPAA. They've
been giving serious campaign contributions to state attorneys general and in
one particularly egregious case, they actually had the MPAA law firm, Jenner
and Block, wrote the complaint for the Mississippi
state AG. The document that was leaked in the Sony hack actually has Jenner and
Block's watermark on it. So you see them directly getting involved with the
criminal state threats against Google as a way to push them toward the
negotiating table.
Denise: Right. So Jake, I guess this gets back to your point
that if your corporate competition strategy is going to include law being, and
donations and perhaps ghost writing briefs for state attorneys general, you're
going to have to be quite cautious about how you go about that in the age that
we live in today.
Jake: Yes, absolutely. I actually think we're seeing
something that may be a kind of unique moment in history. I think it is
possible, before this bunch of hacking, and WikiLeaks and the most recent hacks
with North Korea, we kind of knew that kind of stuff happened. We knew, you
know – people thought that there might be this very close relationship between,
for example, state attorneys general and the people that bankroll them. But
there wasn't really hard evidence of that. We're seeing that now, that there
very much is, you know, this very close relationship where they're, for
example, ghost writing briefs or letters to Google. One of the more interesting
things I read this week basically said that there's a coalition of companies
that include the MPAA, but also Microsoft and others who are backing state
attorney general to take on Google for even unrelated matters. Just to kind of be a menace.
I think that this stuff will be exposed now. Then
later, potentially months or years later, when security is locked down, when we
change the protocol for communicating this kind of confidential information,
that evidence will kind of disappear again. So we'll go back into the dark. So I
think now is one of the few times in history where a lot of this information
may be really exposed and brought out to the open. In some ways, I mean, it
really is hard for Sony and they're in a really tough position. In some other
ways, I think this is kind of good for democracy and good for our general
knowledge of the way that these kinds of things work.
Denise: Yes, I think that was – I was listening to a bit of
Steve Gibson's show, Security Now from this week. He was having a discussion
with Leo about whether there's a positive societal benefit to these leaks
coming out. Steve was of the mind that the only way for security to really get
up to the level that it needs to rise is for companies to realize, with all of
the associated detail, the ways in which their private matters can become
public. It sounds like you're echoing some of that here, Jake.
Jake: Yes, a bit. I mean, I wouldn't argue that it's
necessarily on balance a good thing. Again, I feel really bad for the people at
Sony. If something like this happened at Casetext, you know, obviously it
wouldn't be nearly as much as a scandal. But I completely understand the
position they must be in and how hard it must be for them. At the same time, I
think that those comments are right. These kind of very
public things will make clear that people have to take security a lot more
seriously. It also has kind of another effect, which I think a lot of people
will start doing – going back to not writing things down, doing things over
phone calls. You might see products coming out that look a lot like Snapchat
but for what should be kind of private, secure communications. So you might
send somebody a document and it disappears entirely off the servers in 24
hours. I think a lot of communications that are now being exposed that are
quite embarrassing will, in a lot of ways, disappear again,
Like I said earlier, I think we're kind of in a weird,
unique moment in history. Kind of like, also, when Facebook
came out, people were sharing just way too much and nobody really knew what to
make of it or what to do. Then people, a lot of people, started wising
up to it and they're not – and privacy became a bigger issue there. I think,
similarly, you're going to see right now, people are used to sharing
information in certain ways. That norm will change. But as it is right now, a
lot of this information that kind of peels back the, what's really happening?
The relationship between companies and the government, companies and their
employees, all that stuff will come out now and it should be a really
interesting time.
Denise: Yes, I think you just blew my mind on several
different levels there. Sarah, do you agree that, you know – my question to you
originally was going to be, how will lawyers and the legal profession confront
this kind of reality? I mean, certainly we have to communicate with clients.
Clients have to communicate with their lawyers even if they're not engaged in
lobbying state attorneys general to go after their competitors. There are a lot
of reasons why communications with your client need to stay confidential. Yet
there's this tension between doing that and having any kind of convenient,
modern communication because it is, by nature, not necessarily 100%, all the
time, secure. So do you agree with Jake that maybe things will start to self-destruct
ala Mission Impossible?
Sarah: I mean, I think it is easy to kind of start to feel a
little hopeless about it in the sense that we can have new technology that's
more secure but presumably, eventually the hackers will catch up. So you're
kind of constantly – it's this chase going on. I mean, one solution would be, I
guess, for lawyers to start being really, really careful about what they put in
writing. A lot of lawyers already are. But maybe that's one outcome of this, is
there's more phone communication for really sensitive things. I don't know. I
don't know for sure what it's going to look like but it is a really interesting
Denise: Margot, do you think that the fact that this has
become public will take the wind out of the sails of these investigations in
several states?
Margot: You know, I actually worry
about that because a lot of the investigations are things that maybe Google
should be investigated for. So I'm torn on that front because I do think, as
Jake pointed out, this subject matter of a number of these investigations has
nothing to do with where the MPAA wants to pressure Google. It has to do with,
you know, stolen credit card numbers, or child pornography which is the bane of
the internet in general, or with privacy violations. So some
of the dirtiness of this is disturbing because it will undermine some good
causes. I was also thinking, in general, that this conversation is
reminding me a lot of conversations I've heard about reporters and secure
communication. You have a number of old-timey reporters who, now that they're
afraid of things getting listened in on, on the internet, are actually turning
increasingly to direct conversations with sources, which obviously has its own
difficulties because we live in a world that's tracked in the real world, also.
So trying to, you know, create the moment where you go and find your source and
talk to them in real life can be as difficult as creating a secured platform
online. In the phone context, you know, you have the governments using the AP's
phone records – almost, I guess, two years ago at this point. So that's not
particularly secure communication either. So I wonder if this just leaves us in
a depressed place where you're in a world of increasing conformity and of less
secure, confidential communicative opportunities.
Denise: Well, I hope not. I mean, I think you're on to
something with, perhaps, a parallel to secured drop for confidential, legal
communications. I don't know. I mean, we've seen this week the news of Verizon
marketing its product as having secure voice communications, except when the
government comes knocking. So … what's secure enough, I guess is something that
business will need to work out over time. Something else that's been working
itself out over the last year, and I'm so glad we get to conclude our year with
the discussion of this case because it's been so fascinating. It's the
innocence of the Muslims case that we've discussed several times on the show,
which is in a very interesting legal posture right now. This doesn't happen all that often. It was decided by its trial court -
This is the case where the actress was deceived as to
the kind of film that she was signing up to do. She gave a performance and did
not realize that she was going to be in this Muslim-bashing piece of work. She
decided to sue Google to remove the film from YouTube, have it removed, because
she claims she had a copyright interest. I guess, procedurally, she must have –
you can fill in the details if I'm wrong here, Margot. She must have initially
filed a DMCA takedown notice that was not honored and that is how she sued? Is
that how we wound up in this situation?
Margot: I believe so. I know that Google didn't want to
recognize her, probably properly, as the owner of the copyright. Because she
didn't fix her performance, she merely performed.
Denise: Right. So she did sue and the trial court sided with
Google and decided that there is no independent copyright interest that the
actress had. However, that went up on appeal and Judge Kozinski and a 9th Circuit panel decided otherwise. The only other recourse to that may have been
some sort of appeal to the United States Supreme Court, but an interim step
that is sometimes taken is to get the entire en banc panel – that means all
hands on deck. Every 9th Circuit judge to rehear and reconsider this
decision by the three-judge panel who – Judge Kozinski authored that opinion.
So that oral argument just took place. Margot, you were part of an amicus brief
that was filed by several law professors related to this case. Did you also
attend the argument?
Margot: No, but I listened to it live streaming and was part
of extensive Twitter conversation around it while it was being argued.
Denise: Right. So tell us what you think is next in this
interesting saga.
Margot: So just one quick point, which is that the en banc
panel is actually still a panel from the 9th Circuit even though it
seems like it's every judge in the 9th Circuit. The 9th Circuit is enormous. My general sense of the oral arguments was that it really
went in the direction of Google. I think that you can't be completely confident
about this because there were not that many judges who decided to talk. The
only voice that was really supportive of the actress was Kozinski, who was
making a valiant effort to defend his lower court opinion. The thing that's
really at stake here is that you have a case where it feels like this poor
woman had something terrible happen to her. She's received death threats as a
result of being part of this film. She claims that she really legitimately
fears for her life. But because Congress has set up this perfectly legitimate
and probably good policy judgment-based statute, the Communications and Decency
Act, Section 230, she can't get Google to take it down unless it's a copyright
So this sort of forced a case that really should be
about something else, about the threats upon her life, or the fraudulent
conveyance to her that the film was going to be about one thing when it ended
up being about something else. It's forcing concerns over that into copyright
law, where it's really not a good fit. So the brief that I was part of
basically tried to explain this to the court and said, “You know, this is not
what Congress intended. CDA 230 really does immunize hosts like Google from
these kinds of claims.” It does so because we don't want to have a significant
amount of collateral censorship happen where an internet provider tries to take
down as much as possible to avoid liability and ends up censoring tons of
Denise: Right, so Section 230, if this is permitted to stand,
the law professors' brief argued that the lower court – the appellate court's
opinion here is actually a judicial expansion, or actually, contraction, of
that doctrine and the immunities that it provides. Could you expand on that for
Margot: Sure. So this would basically, if she's found to have
copyright protection in her unfixed performance, then that is going to allow
anybody who is a – well, “anybody” depending on how the court defines it, who
is a performer in a video to send a copyright takedown notice to Google. The
point of our brief was to say, again, “This is not about copyright. This
doesn't fit into the usual copyright doctrine as something that counts as
copyrightable.” So instead, you're rerouting around Section 230's protections
for Google and allowing somebody who can't make the defamation claim, or fraud
claim or right of publicity claim and use that to get Google to take down the material,
to instead claim copyright protection in it.
Denise: There were a couple of good tidbits that the Techdirt
article covering the argument picked up on, in fact, put it in the headline
that this was all about Celine Dion and human cannonballs at oral argument. Can
you tell us how those came up?
Margot: Sure. This was hysterical. So there's actually a third
example that I also want to talk about, which is the Lord of the Rings battle
scenes. I never thought I would hear a 9th Circuit judge talk about
the Lord of the Rings and orcs. Anyways, the Celine Dion example was,
effectively, Judge Kozinski asked Google's attorney whether it was fair that
Celine Dion should get some sort of – it's actually not copyright protection,
it's a related protection. But some sort of protection for her performance of
her song in a video, where if Lawrence Olivier were to act in an entire movie
production, he wouldn't get any kind of copyright protection in that. There
would be copyright protection in the movie, which is fixed, but Lawrence
Olivier doesn't have a separate copyright protection in his acting. So that was
the Celine Dion example. Then Garcia's attorney gave this weird, weird
description of how things could go terribly wrong if Celine Dion didn't have a
way to claim copyright in her performance because some bad actor down the line
could take Celine Dion's performance from Titanic and attach it to some
terrible, scandalous sex movie. So she was sort of implying that performer's
have this moral right in their performance to not have it associated with very
bad things that they don't approve of. In the United States IP system, that's
just not the case.
Denise: Got it. So human cannonballs.
Margot: Yes, so human cannonballs, I'll try to be shorter on
this one. Kozinski did this strange thing. So Google's attorney was saying, and
this is true, one of the more difficult parts of the finding that Kozinski made
for them is that is fragments copyright in videos in a really terrifying way.
So let's say you had a video of the Lord of the Rings battle scene, and let's
say it was made with real actors instead of CGI characters. If you allow for
copyright in unfixed performances, or in the performance itself, then every
single one of those actors in that movie scene could conceivable send a
takedown notice to Google. So Kozinski's rebuttal to this was that there's a
human cannonball, actually, right of publicity case from the Supreme Court that
found that a 15-second performance was protectable under right of publicity.
Kozinski's point was, if a 15-second performance is protectable as right of
publicity, then what's so bad about giving her a performance over her five
seconds in the video? Google's attorney kind of stumbled on that because he
wasn't expecting a right of publicity case. But the general answer is, “Right
of publicity and copyright are not co-extensive, and right of publicity claims
fall under Section 230. You don't get to ask for the work to get taken down.”
Denise: Right. All right, so Sarah, do you think that perhaps
the recourse here should not have been copyright at all?
Sarah: Yes, I do think. I think it reflects this larger
problem of using copyright to solve non-copyright problems. There are lots of
examples to that. Lots of times it's well meaning, you know, it's things like revenge porn, these really tough issues. People raise the idea of,
“Well, copyright is a hammer that we have.” Which, interestingly, I think it's
kind of sad that copyright is the one wrong that we choose to have this
enforcement mechanism that has so much teeth, more than other wrongs that
actually involve personal harm in often a really significant way. But because
copyright is that hammer, people often try to use it to get around their
inability to deal with other problems. I think that is not a good thing,
Denise: So what should the actress have done here, then?
Sarah: I mean, I think that is the million dollar question.
It might be the case that she didn't have any recourse under the law. I don't
know that there's anything we can really do about that. I don't know if,
Margot, you have any other thoughts about that.
Margot: Yes. I think she does have recourse, but she has
recourse against the director of the movie. She doesn't have recourse against
Google. So the whole thing boils down to whether you think that, in cases where
you can't actually get anything from the horrible person who defrauded you,
whether you should be able to still take it down from the internet. At least
right now, there are things that are really sad about, for example, the
inability for people to take down revenge pornography except by evoking
copyright. But for right now, that is the balance that Congress has struck.
Copyright gets this one system and every other content has a different kind of
system, which is immunity.
Denise: Jake, do you think there's some kind of appeal to the
argument that – and again, maybe the recourse here is simply against the movie
maker and not Google. But the actress' argument here that she had agreed and
licensed her performance for one purpose and that was not the purpose to which is was put. Does that give her an ability to reach beyond
just the movie maker on a copyright basis, do you think?
Jake: I think, actually, I agree with what's been said
earlier. I do think that her own recourse under law is against the movie
director. I actually wonder if there might be a way for her – I haven't given
this enough thought to know if this would be a legally sound strategy, but for
her to sue the movie maker and say something along the lines of, “The recourse
I'm looking for is for you to enforce your copyright, if I win this case
against you saying you duped me, and this thing shouldn't be online in the
first place. You were under a junction to then ask everybody to take down this
movie.” Because I think he, I could be wrong about this, has that right, as the
creator of the movie, as the actual copyright holder. That might be another
kind of interesting way at getting at what she wants to get at. Essentially,
you know, if there is a non-monetary way of
compensating her and making up for the fact that she was duped into making this
movie. But I don't think the answer is necessarily copyright for her to have a direct copyright right against Google and YouTube, etc.
Denise: All right, well, we're getting on to the point where I
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All right. Let's talk about blocking. We have a few blocking
stories in the news this week. I kind of had my eye caught by the Roku story,
the fact that Roku has been going back and forth with Comcast because it was having
HBO Go and Showtime blocked on Roku streaming devices on the Comcast network.
All that was kind of reminding me of Google TV and the problems that they had
being blocked by the major television networks. This seems like it's going to be a give and take, tug of war kind of
situation for the immediate time being and going forward. I'm not quite sure
why Comcast would want to block those services on a Roku, but it seems like
they have, at least for now, worked something out where the services will get through.
Margot, what do you make of someone like Comcast deciding that if you've got a
third-part set top box that's going to bring things in that compete with
television offerings, that those things should be blocked? Are we getting into
an anti-trust issue there?
Margot: It's definitely anti-competitive behavior. I don't
know if it's going to rise to the level because our anti-trust law has been
relatively weak recently. But it definitely should segue us nicely into a conversation about net neutrality.
Denise: Definitely. We certainly should talk about that before
the show wraps up. In fact, we could talk about it now, if everyone would like.
Certainly, we're waiting for the other shoe to drop still on the net neutrality
front. We had some tech companies that just came out against net neutrality.
Did you have a chance to take a look at that, Sarah?
Sarah: Yes, I read that article. It sounds like it's mainly
companies that deal with tech infrastructure. They were making the argument
that we often hear, it's, “Regulation will stifle
investment.” It's always hard not to be skeptical about those because those
claims are so self serving. But, you know, they're often true as well. So I
feel like net neutrality is one of the issues where no matter how many articles
I read, I still feel like I have a very superficial understanding of all of the
arguments. So, yes, I didn't have much of a reaction other than a little
Denise: Jake, I'm curious on your take on the net neutrality
issue, given that you're the founder and CEO of a company who relies on the web
to distribute and deliver what it is that you're providing. Do you have an
opinion either way?
Jake: Yes, I definitely do. I mean, the thing that scares me
is, as you said, as a founder of a small internet startup – without net
neutrality, you could have a situation where the very big companies can pay for
or otherwise negotiate faster internet connections for their websites. Right? So for us, you can imagine, LexisNexis and Westlaw
paying Comcast and Verizon, etc., to have much quicker internet connections. So
people using their services would get delivered faster than Casetext. We just
couldn't compete in a world – you know, they make millions of dollars a year.
We have, so far, spent under a million dollars to develop our product. So just
totally different playing fields, and I think that for that reason it might
hurt competition online. That's the one thing I worry about the most. Actually,
I think there's the reason that these big companies offered, for why they're
against net neutrality, and there probably is some logic there and some reason
behind it. But we have to remember, whenever a very big company is arguing
against net neutrality, there could be some thought like, “Oh, well, it's not
going to affect us because we can just pay for speed. We will not be the ones
affected.” The true people to be really affected are the people who have very
small startups, who are just trying to compete with these bigger companies.
That's something that's on my mind when I think about net neutrality.
Denise: So one reason that companies might try and block
certain content is competition, as we've been discussing. Another is back to
our old friend copyright law. It appears that the MPAA has a strategy for –
once again, it's sort of echoes of SOPA. But they plan on, again, as they tried
to with SOPA, legally bringing technology that will block pirate sites to the
US that has been in place in other countries for a bit. Margot, can you shed
any light on this for us?
Margot: Yes, this is the SOPA zombie. SOPA never dies. So the
MPAA remains not very satisfied with its privately negotiated copyright alert
system, which is a privately-ordered agreement between content companies and
internet service providers to give a series of notifications to users that
they're infringers. Then eventually, ends up maybe gently kicking them offline.
So the MPAA would much prefer for all of this to take place through the US
legal system and actually create a system whereby we directly, technically
block sites. The revelation, the leak, or whatever ends up showing, in order of
priority, what kinds of sites they're most concerned about. One of the
surprises to me was actually that BitTorrent in general is not that interesting
to them, relatively speaking. But this discussion of trying to enact new laws
around blocking is moving hand in hand with what we discussed earlier, which is the effort to try and use criminal law to go after the
companies that the MPAA is not happy about. With another topic we're going to
talk about momentarily, which is the efforts to sue cable companies for failing
to terminate repeat infringers' accounts.
Denise: Right, which is what Sony – actually, I think it's
just BMG here, is the plaintiff that is coming after Cox in this case. Again,
it goes right to that copyright alert system, which sometimes is shorthanded as
Six Strikes. I think you go back and forth whether you get six strikes or not,
but as it was being developed, that's what we were calling it. What BMG has
done here is go after Cox for failing to terminate a user account that BMG
claims this user had over 54 thousand complaints against them about their
activity, using their ISP, and yet still had a viable account. So now it's
going to get resolved in this case as a provision of the DMCA that deals with
what an ISP has to do in the case of a repeat infringer. The DMCA will shield
an ISP for liability for its users' conduct to some extent, but when there's a
repeat infringer, the duties on the ISP's part go up. We just don't quite know,
because Congress never defined the term, what it means to be a repeat
infringer. So, Sarah, do you have any thoughts about where this case might go?
Sarah: I don't. I mean, I think it's really one of those
issues where when you first read the headline, “You know, oh, it was a 50 thousand cases of infringement. Obviously, that's
crazy.” But I think it's important to remember that DMCA takedowns are just
allegations of infringement. I think that's going to be the big question for the
court. Is that enough or is the law really talking about cases where people
have actually been held liable for infringement in court? I think we just don't
– that's an open question.
Denise: We had Anne Marie Bridey on the show last week and
she's quoted here in this Vox article on the case. Her opinions was that a
court could find that a repeat infringer is someone who's actually been found
liable in a court of law of infringement, that simple allegations of
infringement would not be enough to put an ISP on notice. What do you think of
that approach, Margot?
Margot: I think that is precisely the crux of the issue,
right, is whether this is going to be due process as determined by the company
that has every interest in the world in getting the person who's infringing kicked offline. Or, if it's going to be due
process that actually involves the court system to some extent. One
thing I wanted to flag about this case, which is in the article but is sort of
buried a little bit, is that it's a bizarre case because it's about a cable
company. It's not about a website. So most of the places where there's been
litigation over what constitutes a repeat infringer, we're talking about a
website that does actually, to some extent, have knowledge of what its users are
doing. This pushes cable companies to really be heavily monitoring what their
users do if the holding ends up being that they have to be responsible for
kicking repeat infringers offline.
Denise: So Jake, you're involved in a company that is
aggregating a lot of other people's IP. But I'm assuming that what you put
together at Casetext will be your own proprietary IP, too. So you have a dog in
this hunt. Do you think that ISPs should be more vigilant in policing what
their users are up to?
Jake: Quickly on what we're doing, we of course – the only
things we publish on our site are done with the permission of the authors to do
so, or done in kind of a snippet-like fashion, kind of like a short headline
and a few words. So hopefully I don't actually have a dog in this fight.
Denise: Oh, okay.
Jake: But I do actually have an opinion on this, which is
the, you know, generally speaking – I think it's actually kind of a savvy
approach by BMG to force what was essentially their enforcement of their
copyrights on to somebody else. They're making them do the hard work and also
making them the bad guys. Because I think what BMG doesn't want, and I've seen
some other leaked documents from other media companies in the MPAA, they
recognize how bad it looks for them to be suing individuals for copyright
violations, for sometimes hundreds of thousands, or millions, of dollars. How
that makes them into the bad guy sometimes. I think part of this might be
behind the scenes an effort to find another sneaky way of making them get what
they want, while at the same time not being the bad guys. So I think part of
what's happening here is them hoping that the court will rule in such a way
that the ISPs have to be the ones doing all the hard work of finding out what
people are doing on their networks, and also have to be the ones who make the
tough decisions about who to kick off and when – be the bearers of bad news and
so on, which I think is a very, kind of, savvy business strategy on their
Denise: Yes, I think you got a real point there. I think
you've also given me my first MCLE pass phrase for This Week in Law. We put
these phrases in the show in case you're listening to the show, for continuing
legal or other professional education credit and you need to demonstrate that
you actually watched or listened to your oversight board. So, “No dog for
Jake,” is going to be our first phrase for the show. We'll put another one in
before we're all set and done here and also, if you need more information about
getting/applying for legal education or professional education credit, head on
over to our wiki at and there's a page there for this week in law.
You'll find all kinds of information there for you. Let's conclude – I think we
have concluded our Hollywood-oriented discussion for the day unless you want to
go around, guys, and just give any final thoughts about the various
developments we've been discussing that impact the entertainment industry.
We'll start with Sarah.
Sarah: Hm, I don't know if I have
any profound final thoughts. I think it's interesting that the content industry
is continuing to play Whack a Mole so much. Also, just the
larger theme of using copyright to solve these other problems. I think
that's a big theme of the show and a theme of the year. I think it's an
unfortunate development.
Denise: Excellent point. Margot?
Margot: Yes. So I didn't get to talk about this with Garcia,
because there were so many interesting issues. But the big flag for me in that
case was when Judge Kozinski started citing the Beijing treaty on audiovisual
performances. I think the quick comment I want to make about it is that it is
very problematic for a domestic judge, in a domestic court, to be referencing
an executive agency's interpret – [feedback] this law going into negotiations
of a treaty. Kozinski basically read the PTO's interpretation of US law and
implied that his decision deferred to the PTO's understanding, which was very,
very strange and problematic.
Denise: Okay. Jake, any final thoughts?
Jake: Yes. I think for a lot of these issues, the big
question for me and especially, I have kind of a personal self interest in this
now, but I've had one for a long time before starting Casetext, is how all this
stuff affects the little guys, the small startups of four or five people trying
to take on very large competitors. That's not just only for things like net
neutrality where there's an obvious connection, but also when I read about the
Garcia case, one of the things that scared me the most was that the defendant
was Google. There are going to be a lot of legal decisions with Google in mind
about how easy it is for them to take down certain things, how much
administrative burden you can put on somebody. For issues like that, I mean,
for a small startup of only a few people, if we had to face the kinds of
problems they did in terms of copyright and takedown notices and the flood of,
kind of, requests like that. It might, you know, totally kill us or at least be
a really big pain in the neck. So I hope that, as these kinds of policies
continue to be discussed and developed, it's not just at the level of Intel,
and Google and Microsoft, but also how these broader policy decisions and
decisions about copyright end up affecting the companies that may one day be
very big, but start off very small.
Denise: All right. Well, we've already been discussing
copyright, but we'll move away from discussing it in the entertainment industry
context and into some broader context about now in the show.
Can't tell you guys how excited I am that we get to
talk about the Monkey Selfie one more time before 2014 is over. Yay, Christmas came early! It came in the form of David
Slater, the photographer who quite some time ago handed his camera to a monkey.
A macaque, is that what kind of monkey this is? I think it is, who very
beguilingly smiled into the lens and took a picture of itself.
This has caused many a lawyer and law professor paroxysms of glee ever since in
trying to decide whether there's a copyright in this photograph taken by the
monkey. If so, who does that copyright inure to? David Slate, the photographer,
continues to think that it inures to him. He is in the vast minority when it
comes to the legal scholarship on this opinion.
Very recently, on December 10th, he sent a
letter to Sherwin Siy of Public Knowledge asking for sort of a confused laundry
list of things to take place. Sherwin had written about the photograph and his
take on the copyright issues at Public Knowledge. David Slater did not like the
conclusions of that post, felt like it would encourage people to use the photo,
which he claims he has the copyright in. Just did a mish-mash of arguments
about why Public Knowledge should take down the post or allow him to comment on
the post and do another post. It's all kind of confusing, but it ends with him
saying, “If you don't comply with my demands, I will refer you to my lawyers
and we'll take it from there. Sherwin Siy issued a very well thought out
response to all the points and basically told the photographer to pound sand,
“We're leaving the post as it is and we continue to think that you don't have
the copyright. By the way, you're wrong on all the salient legal points as
well.” So I'm just happy that we get to talk about beguiling macaques taking
pictures of themselves once again before the year is
over. I will open this up to your panel to see if you guys have any further
shades to add to this. Jake, have you been following along with this?
Jake: I have been. I'm not sure if I have much extra
commentary to add to it. I love the picture, though. Every time I see it, I
smile. But you know, I'm not enough of a copyright
expert to say whether I know for certain whether there was a copyright. Whether
the monkey owns the copyright or the photographer owns the copyright, I just
think it's kind of a hilarious story. I think, actually, that it wouldn't have
gone nearly as far as it did, like many things online, if it didn't include a
cute animal involved.
Denise: Yes, very true. Sarah, David Slater sort of
mysteriously invokes wiki media and Creative Commons in his demand to Public
Knowledge. It seems like he was kind of misguided there.
Sarah: Yes. I can't remember what his Creative Commons
comment was.
Denise: He says, “Public domain is a not a place, such as wiki
media's Creative Commons or the internet.” So he's confusing a couple of
Sarah: Oh, he's conflating both of them, yes. I think there
were a lot of misunderstandings in the letter not only about copyright
ownership and that question, but then, you know, there's obviously, as Sherwin
wrote in his response very eloquently, that there's a fair use. Even if you
assume that he owns the copyright, they have an obvious fair use right to use
the photo in the way that they did. Another interesting thing I thought about
the letter was that he talks about how
use of the photo is hurting his commercial prospects. I was thinking just as a
practical matter that cannot be true because so many people now want this
photo. It’s become completely ubiquitous. I have to imagine that his demand as
a photographer is probably way up; so this publicity seems to me like it can
only be helping the photographer.
Denise: Maybe he’s trying to reverse the effect himself. Any
exposure is good exposure. One really interesting part of Sherwin’s response to
Mr. Slater is where he goes into the fact that the copyright office actually
used this particular fact pattern of photograph taken by a monkey as its very
first example of various kinds of photos that lack the human authorship
requirement necessary to register copyright and they also mention things like
elephant murals – wave shape drift wood or the natural appearance of animal
skin. Again this I think becomes an interesting point in the times that we live
in of the Human Authorship requirement and whether it still makes sense or
whether we’re just going to have a whole lot of unhappy David Slaters out there because more and more photographs are not
being generated because a human clicked a shutter or pushed a button somewhere.
If you have a go pro it has a setting
that it’s on burst mode and takes some incredibly beautiful high definition
photographs that again I suppose the photographer put it on burst mode and thus
can argue that they have the copyright there but I mean all over the world look
at all the people looking for big foot. Those cameras are taking lots of
pictures in a very automated way and one of them is
going to capture big foot and somebody is going to argue the copyright in that
photo. So Margot in a world of increasingly automated photography what do you
think about the Human Authorship requirement? Is it still viable?
Margot: I’m so glad that you pointed to this because the
entire time I’ve been watching the monkey news story evolve I’ve been thinking
to myself; I’m not the only one. This is actually all about robots because the
fundamental question with the monkey picture is what counts as a work of
authorship/what counts as original enough for purposes of copyright law. As you
and Shirwin pointed out the copy right office now has
said look; when we say work of authorship we mean a work of Human Authorship and when we
say originality we mean something coming from Human Creativity. But actually
the “regs” don’t fully answer the question so we do
at least with respect to AI or Robotics have a really clear description of
things in nature not counting as works of authorship or things produced by
animals not counting as works of authorship; but then the example they give of
something not counting as a work of authorship and is mechanical is randomly
produced weaving patterns. There’s definitely a continuum between something
that’s authored by a human, something that’s authored by a human programmer
who’s intent is translated through a machine and then something that is
randomly produced and not copyrightable. So they haven’t actually answered the
question yet of everything else on that spectrum between of human authors and
randomly produced through algorism.
Denise: Right. Well obviously this is going to become the
question. As you said it’s all about the robots, it’s all about the drones
taking photos; it’s all about the comet landing space probe taking photos and
how copyright law is going to shake its self out dealing with those realities.
We’re happy to have one last occasion to bid our favorite monkey a Happy New
Year and thank you for entertaining us so much in 2014. I wanted to take the
opportunity since we have Sarah on the show to congratulate Creative Commons on
its 12th birthday and just give your take on the state of Creative
Commons, Sarah and where things go from here.
Sarah: CC turned 12 on Tuesday this week. You mentioned last
week on this show that next year we’re probably going to reach 1 billion
licensed works which is kind of an incredible mile stone. I think it’s really
amazing that there are so many CC licensed works out there. I continue to get a
glazed look often - I’d say about half the time when I talk to someone,
especially now that I’ve moved out of the Bay area and I try to explain where I
work. I think because it takes a certain amount of sophistication with
copyright to even understand what Creative Common’s licenses are and what we
do. But I think the public is becoming sophisticated about copyright because everything
you do online – almost everything you do online implicates copyright. We just
published – I think you’re showing it now…yes the state of the Commons report
about a month ago which is a really cool… I’ll put the link in the delicious
list. It is cool. It’s got an info graphic that kind of shows how far CC
licenses have come, how many are out there, in what domain; what licenses are
the most popular – that sort of thing. Its just kind of really handy and useful information. It is a really exciting time
to be at Creative Commons.
Denise: It seems to me that in the 12 years that Creative
Commons has been around that you guys have done some very important
partnerships where people are able to license their works very easily and make
one decision and not have to – in the case of Flicker for example you can make
a onetime decision that “I like this idea and I’m going to license my works in
this way”. You can always go in and alter that but it becomes very frictionless
and easy for people to actually license their works and expand the body of work
that’s available for other people to reuse. I think that’s a super important
reason that Creative Commons is going to license it’s billionth work sometime in the coming year.
Margot, do you have any thoughts about 12 years of Creative Commons?
Margot: Yes! I was a Creative Commons intern. I transitioned
out of the publishing industry into my current existence as the Copyright Law
Professor via Creative Commons so all the the best
wishes to them. I think what they do is amazing.
Denise: Absolutely. Jake is there any tie in between what you
do at Case Text and Creative Commons. Obviously you guys would I think benefit
from more works being licensed in this way.
Jake: Yes, I would say just generally speaking there is an
enormous amount of gratitude and a kind of debt of gratitude towards Creative
Commons. At the very beginning even taking a step back from Case Text; a lot of
what happened on the web is the best stuff – people answering questions on
sites like --- and Stock Overflow. There are people sharing information on
Wikipedia; Creative Commons made all of that – community based sites possible
and really made the underpinning of the legal infrastructure that makes sharing
on the web possible. So I think that is enormously helpful and for us in
particular everything that is contributed to our site is licensed under
Creative Commons by attribution and we do that in a way to communicate to our
users that we’re committed to the open web and to the sharing of information
which is a core tenant of everything that we do. I’m a huge fan of everything
that Creative Commons has done. I went to Stanford Law School in part to work
with Larry Lesig who then of course left immediately
after I got there to go to Harvard Law School. And I switched studying
copyright to corruption but it’s something that I’ve been following for a long
time and it’s something that I think is a large under-appreciated reason why
some of the best web sites can exist in the way that they do.
Denise: So Case Text then I didn’t notice is one of those
sites that goes ahead and incorporates Creative Commons into its submission
Jake: That is exactly right. That is a minor point in our
terms of use, although its something that we probably should make a bigger deal out of. There are
thousands of posts and inline annotations and other information being shared on
Case Text and all of that is from Creative Commons.
Denise: That is great. Congratulations Sarah and Creative Commons.
We’re going to come back in a moment and talk about one of our favorite topics
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That helps a lot. Thank so much Fresh Books for supporting this episode of This
Week in Law. We’re going to look at drones and we’re going to look at them on
the law and policy side. So just a couple of episodes ago we did a show all
about drone law – episode 284: Game of Drones. We’ve got Margot on with us
today so I could not resist following up on some of those themes and discussing
what is going on with the FAA and drone regulation in general. Also Margot
you’ve written some interesting thoughts about the free speech problems
generated by regulating drones. Can you fill us in there?
Margot: Sure, this is going to tie back in a little bit with
the conversation we were having about robots and copyright law. So as you
pointed out increasingly recording is automated and drones are a classic
example of this. If you have a quad copter and it’s got a go-pro on it and its
going out there and taking video you do sensibly have a videographer for that
video who is the person who is operating the drone and put the camera on the
drone but increasingly there is some sort of machine action that is happening
in between there. So the first Amendment issue arises because there have been
an increasing line of cases that recognize a first Amendment right to record.
In those cases the courts are really dealing with situations where people take
out their cell phones; see police officers doing very bad things which police
officers never do, and take videos of them on the cell phones. So courts have
been finding that when cops then subsequently arrest them for violating wiretap
law or eavesdropping law – because they’ve picked up on audio conversation
without getting permission of the people being recorded. The courts that have
considered this have for the most part said there is a first amendment
violation – you can’t arrest people just for recording public official
preforming public activities in a public space. So of course the question this
raises is; does everybody who has their drone and is video recording anything
with their drone have first Amendment protection? It is an extraordinarily
difficult thing to try to figure out.
Denise: I think we should go ahead and make it - because it is
such an extraordinarily and difficult and important issue – our MCLE passphrase
so that people can remember it. We’ll call it First Amendment Drones as our 2nd passphrase for the show. Sarah this is not a topic that we touched on a couple
of episodes ago when I had our drone panel on so I’m wondering – obviously as
drones and automated technologies of various kinds become more and more a part
of day to day life do you think that the regulation of them should as Margot
was pointing out bear in mind that the first Amendment needs to be taken into
Margot: Yes absolutely. I saw Margot’s sleight article in my
Twitter stream when it came out and I just remember thinking; Wait, drones and
first Amendment? It wasn’t intuitive to me but of course when I read it; it makes
perfect sense. So yes I think it’s absolutely a first Amendment issue and a
tricky one at that.
Denise: Is there a tension Margo between the first Amendment
issues that you flush out and anyone who wants to read Margot’s whole piece, it
and everything else we’ve been using as the basis of our discussion today is
available for you to check out at
is our episode number this time. Do you think that there is an irreconcilable
tension Margot perhaps between privacy issues and first amendment issues?
Margot: This is basically what has been occupying me for
around a year and will continue to occupy me for the foreseeable future. I
don’t think its irreconcilable. I think that what is really difficult here is
that we’re in a country as you can see from the Garcia case where we believe
very strongly in free speech protection and we have a first amendment that
tends to be very absolute when its applied. So if you
afford people the strictest kind of first amendment protection for these videos
then it is unlikely that a privacy law would stand that kind of scrutiny. It’s
not impossible; there is supreme court precedent
around wiretapping that suggests that the court might be open to considering
that a wiretap wins out against the first amendment but it is a balance that is
really difficult to imagine the current supreme court making. That said I think
you see in the supreme court’s privacy case law a very strong awareness of the
importance of privacy in private spaces and so at least when you’re dealing
with the combination of filming and trespass you may have a stronger case for
banning drones from wandering into private land than you do banning drones for
capturing private moments.
Denise: Jake, are you still based in Palo Alto? I know you
were at Stanford. Are you still in the area?
Jake: Yes we are. We’re actually not too far away from
Stanford’s campus right now.
Denise: So do you just walk around with a flyswatter to make
sure no low flying drones are bonking into your head?
Jake: You don’t see them as much as you’d think actually
around here although you see more of them probably than anywhere else. I have a
friend who is starting a startup; it’s actually very new but it’s a drones a service startup where… The funny thing is it’s all
apparently illegal as I understand under the FAA policy but that’s just the way
Silicon Valley is sometimes with Uber and Air B&B as well. They
essentially - I forgot the name of it
but I don’t think its online yet anyway but they will essentially connect
someone who wants pictures being taken by a drone or a video being taken by a
drone where people who are drone enthusiasts will help do that for you. One of
their early clients kind of in their beta testing phase was a hedge fund that
wanted a drone to fly over the Wal-Mart parking lots during this holiday season
to see how many parking spaces are being filled up and how long people are
shopping there for. I think that is fascinating stuff and again I think it’s
entirely illegal. I may be wrong about that because it seems like it’s being used for a commercial purpose and I think the FAA
won’t allow that for a while. But at the same time it’s definitely being done
and there are question about – I think the trespass question is interesting.
Can Wal-Mart be like; hey get off our land? Don’t take picture of our cars
here. Or what happens when our drone runs out of batteries, falls out of the
sky and hits a car or a person? I think it’s all quite interesting.
Denise: Well the Washington Post thinks that the FAA won’t
make up its mind on those commercial uses until 2017. Margot, do you think
that’s an accurate prediction?
Margot: Yes, so we had news around a month ago that the FAA
actually… (This was also via the Washington Post) The FAA has actually finally
drafted its rules for commercial drone use. As Jacob pointed out; commercial
drone use right now is not legal unless you’ve gotten an exception from the FAA
which I think it’s given to roughly 10 companies. But all of those wedding
photography companies that are filming people’s weddings and crashing into the
groom are doing so illicitly. There’s a great viral video about that by the way.
I should have included that. But the FAA has apparently (again this is from the
Washington Post) drafted its rules on commercial drone use based on the model
handbooks that it gave to those 10 companies it did give permits to. What is
really problematic for people in this field is that those are very stringent
rules; they involve a limit on how far up the drones can fly, they involve
getting professional pilot licenses; which seems ridiculous if you’re dealing
with something that’s 10 pounds and operated on your cell phone. So they’re
going about this very slowly and those rules are currently sitting with the
White House which was supposed to say something this month about them and then
they’ll go through the extensive notice and comments period and that is why
we’re predicting it’s not actually going to be fully in place until 2 years
from now – 2017.
Denise: Alright, any final drone thoughts from anyone? Sarah?
Sarah: No, not really. I guess the only thing I would say is
I’m sure as the article talked about the delay and rule making will hurt some
companies that really want the certainty but then as Jake pointed out it won’t
really hurt others because some people are just going to plow ahead.
Denise: Right, and grooms will at
least be protected under the law for a little while longer; even if people are
buzzing into them. There we go… slow motion. Oh so now we’re looking down the
brides shirt as well. There were all kinds of wonderful droney issues raised by that tiny little clip. Alright; let’s move on. I want to talk
with Jake real quick because we’ve been referencing his company all show but
not really talking about the interesting approach they’re taking that I think
people who listen to our show would be fascinated by. It is not a non-profit
company. You certainly have a business model Jake that involves people paying
for sort of… I guess the model would be Freemium right? A lot of your content
is for free but some of the more enhanced features will be for a paid
subscription that will then underwrite the rest of the access that people get.
Jake: That’s exactly right. Right now everything on the site
is 100% for free. We actually have – behind me at my desk at the office there
are company values; the one that’s the top in the middle is “The law is free” and
the law for us will always be free. So we’re not going to do what Lexus and –
do and put the primary sources of law behind a paywall. Also everything that is
ever added by people who contribute to the site will always be free. The model
you described accurately is Freemium. We have investors who very strongly
believe in our mission and thankfully we get to do what we’re doing now
completely for free as we continue to build these features. There are going to
be things like advanced research functionality; things that make the experience
quicker, faster; find the most important parts of it quickly. We’re also
actually going to have – talking about law firms right now we’re going to have
a private version of Case Text. So right now people can share what’ll essentially
look like blog posts or inline annotations on cases. A lot of law firms have
approached us and said what if you had a version of Case Text where we could
upload our briefs, our memos and internal dialogue about the cases and statutes
that’s shared privately only within our firm. That’s something that we’re also
going to offer although it might take a little bit of time to build that
feature. So that the next time at your law firm you pull up a case like
Massachusetts VPA and you get to see all of the interesting briefs, memoranda,
people who’ve worked on it etc. that your firm has added.
Denise: Great and the next time Sony gets hacked there will be
an even bigger wealth of information to look at because of all the annotations.
Jake: That’s right.
Denise: All kidding aside I think it’s a great concept and
wonderful service that you’re going to provide. Tell us more; you mentioned
earlier that you plan not just to incorporate what has always been thought of
as of course the primary sources of law – the statues and case law but also a
lot of commentary out there from people for example like Margot who are filing
amicus briefs and important cases and writing their own thoughts about those
kinds of issues and other sources that often aren’t captured or sightable or necessarily that accessible. So how do you
guys plan to incorporate all of that?
Jake: That’s a great question. First I should say when I
practiced law I worked at a big firm and I’d always start all of my legal
research not on the big proprietary systems but on Google. The reason I did
that was I would always find something very smart written by either a law firm
itself when they have these things called client memos which are essentially
basically blog posts that describe what a court held or an evolutionary area of
law or from professors like Margot where you – many now who blog with
regularity and have very insightful things to say. That was always kind of the
best way for me to get a very good lay of the land or of the area of specific
case that I was researching. I’ve always thought hmmm wouldn’t it be
interesting if when you were doing research you could automatically see all the
interesting things that were written about the case you were currently reading
from all over the web. But even better – and this is something we’re working on
right now – what if you could discover the most important sections of the case.
We have something called the heat map which points out to you… it gets kind of
darker blue the more important of a part of the cases you are reading. You can
see it alongside the left side of every case but we’re also going to
incorporate into the heat map and do a few other really neat things so say well
out of the 50 articles about the Supreme Court case 48 of them are talking
about this one sentence. So this is probably the sentence you should look at
first. This is the operative legal holding or the key fact or the really
interesting break from precedent that this case should be known for. You can do
a lot of very interesting things if you take all this wealth of information and
commentary that is happening on the web and use it to make the legal research
experience better. I will go so far as to say we are at the very beginning of
what we’re doing right now – there are a lot of plans for the future, some of
which I can share and some which are kind of under wraps but one of the things
we’re working on a lot over the next few weeks and months is making the writing
experience on Case Text particular for the law and make it a better place to
publish these kinds of thoughts and comments about recent cases, about changes
in statutes. One of the things that we did first was we launched what we call
communities platform. We did that about 7 weeks ago and there are thousands and
thousands of people who are following communities. What that means is as a
follower you can see all the interesting things being added to the site. As a writing it means you know exactly who your audience is. It’s
kind of incredible how this kind of grew overnight to having thousands and
thousands of followers for these communities. Its growing at an extremely rapid clip. Actually if you click on the number of
followers in any of these communities like the business law community one thing
you’ll see is that the people who are following these communities are the kinds
of people who I think are much targeted group of interesting people. They are
general counsel at companies big and small, partners at law firms, law
librarians and law professors. We hope that what we’re building besides just a
better writing experience is the best way for people to connect their
commentary thoughts and ideas to exactly the kinds of people who you will
likely want to be reaching.
Denise: I’m so glad you just gave us such a nice description
of Case Text communities because it is one of our resources of the week here in
our final show of the year and if you go and you check out each of these
topical areas that Jake has been discussing you’ll see a really nice news feed of
everything that relates to that topic of law. So of course there is a privacy
in cyber security one, tech law, IP one, a patent law one and of course a copy
right law one. All very important to the topics we’ve discussed on this show.
So it’s a very neat resource and I encourage folks to check that out. Of course
as Jake’s been pointing out everything on this site is free for now and lots of
it will remain free as I understand once their subscription services kick in.
Jake: That’s exactly right; expect the free stuff to remain
free essentially forever and for the new things we put behind a paywall they’re
going to be even more advanced uses of data science and informatics to really
make the research… its essentially targeted to people who have the means and
the interest in having an extremely efficient research process. Right now you
can use the tools. I should point out about the tools; one thing that is
interesting to know is that if you sign up and follow them you’ll have a
personalized news feed that is the combination of all your personal interests
like tech law, copyright, IP and if you chose to sign up for it you’ll get a
regular email digest that says here are the things that have been uploaded by
peers in these fields that are the most interesting today or this week. So I
think it’s a really good way to keep up to date with all the interesting things
happening with the law.
Denise: Alright thanks so much for that. Our other resource of
the week is just kind of for fun. Mashable did best drones of 2014 video so I
thought we’d just take in a bit of that other than crashing into grooms what
drones have been up to this year. As with the rest of our discussion points
today the best drones of 2014 is over at Mashable and you can find it in our
list of delicious links for this episode. I don’t think it included the conked
on the head by a drone at your wedding. Keith Strier who we have on the show a couple of episodes ago pointed me towards one more
that was a falcon attacking a drone and bring it down that he thought was
memorable. So its been a
good year with drones. We usually end with a tip of the week but because this
is our concluding episode for this show I thought I’d go around and let each of
our panelists looking back on the year see if they could distil a tip of the
year that they might leave you all with. Margot, can we start with you?
Margot: My tip of the year is “watch out for unintended
consequences of accidentally regulating information technology”. I’m drawing
from the FAA’s experience of suddenly realizing that it is regulating
information technology where as it was used to regulating airplanes.
Denise: Excellent point. Sarah, how about you?
Sarah: My tip was to, if you haven’t heard of it to look up
the Authors Alliance. I don’t know if you’ve talked about it on the show
before. I haven’t heard you talk about it but it is an organization started by
Pam Samuelson and Molly van Houweling who are 2 women
I admire deeply. The idea is to have a group that represents authors who want
to be read. They’re doing a lot of really interesting work. It was just
launched in May of this year so that is something to watch for next year.
They’ve got all kinds of resources; they’re doing a lot of policy work. It’s a
really cool new organization.
Denise: And Jake?
Jake: My tip of the year is that what you write on the
computer is becoming increasingly important and I mean that by the downsides
which is you’ve seen the Sony hack; all the stuff you thought was private
becomes public so you should definitely only commit to writing things that
you’re very proud of. There is also a positive side too which is one thing that
kind of pleasantly surprised us when we started Case Text and some things you
see in other fields of different professions is people are building a real
reputation and really standing out in their professions and with their peers by
sharing information about themselves or their thoughts that are really kind of
though provoking and interesting. So I think people are, or should be more
cognizant and think a lot more going forward about thinking about the things
that they write online and how important that is both on the downside and the
Denise: Right, it’s kind of like the rule of thumb; if you put
it in an email just go ahead and assume that it’s not only going to be read by
its recipients. Write as though you’re always writing for a public audience. I
think that’s great advice. My tip of the year has to do with the trend that
we’ve seen all year towards – and I think it’s a really positive trend of
private companies making privacy and security a selling point… of companies
telling you “we’re going to keep your data secure and that’s why you should use
us. My tip would be to push back hard on those claims and make sure that if
someone is telling you they have end to end encryption and no back doors that
that is really the case and don’t just be taken in because this is a popular
marketing approach at the moment. It’s a very positive development but keep
your sceptics glasses handy when you’re considering those claims. With that
we’re going to go ahead and wrap up This Week in Law for the year of 2014. My
dad likes to talk about who you would -
who’s on your imaginary fantasy guest list of dinners with interesting
strangers and I’m so blessed that I get to play out that scenario every week
here on the show. I’m always getting to have great conversations with
interesting strangers and friends and this has been no exception. Thank you so
much Sarah Pearson for joining us this week and for joining us on a regular
basis in the coming New Year.
Sarah: Yes, I’m really looking forward to it.
Denise: I am too. Margot, great to have you back on the show.
Enjoy the holidays.
Margot: You too.
Denise: Good luck with everything that you’re working on,
which is extensive. We will continue following along with all of that. Jake
we’ll continue following along with Case Text which sounds like it’s both
revolutionary and interesting and can’t wait to see where you go with it.
Jake: Thanks! Thanks for having me here also. This was a lot
of fun.
Denise: It was really a lot of fun for me. It’s a lot of fun
every week. We do the show on Fridays and our next one will be on January 9th when we pick up in the new year at 11 o’clock pacific time, 1900 UTC this time
of year. That’s when you can join us live to see the show recorded. You can jump
into our IRC and play along with us. We love it when you do that. But don’t
worry if you can’t because assuming that the TWIT network isn’t blocked on your
Roku device or anywhere else, you can pick us up whenever and wherever you
like. You can go to and find our show
page. Our whole archive is there, we have a YouTube page at You can find us there too and on iTunes and on Roku
as I mentioned. So definitely tune in when you can, where you can. Just join us, we love it when you do. As I said our discussion points
are available for each show at and then the episode number. This is 286 and you should definitely get in touch
with me over the break. Let me know what you’ve liked about our programming
during the year; what you’d like to see in the new year.
I’m and let me know about guests you think we should have
on, topics we should cover, things that you’re finding interesting at the
intersection of technology and the law. I wish you all a very happy and safe
holiday season and we’ll see you in the New Year! Take care.