Coding 101

Nov 20th 2014

Coding 101 44

Santa's Little Helper: 1/3

The holiday pricer.

Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
Guests: Louis Maresca
Category: Help & How To

Lou Maresca shows us how to create a program that will track the prices of products for the holiday season.

The Code for today's show is available below:
Santa's Little Helper 1/3

Open Source .NET

Microsoft has announced that they wil will open source PARTS of .NET.

  • They will provide the ENTIRE .NET Server Stack.
  • That includes ASP.NET, the .NET Core Runtime, Framework and Libraries.
  • This will allow it to be run on both Linux and Mac OS X
  • MS will work with the "Mono" community, sponsored by "Xamarin" to build a C#-based .NET framework that will work on those platforms.

Microsoft ALSO announced that they will distribute a free, FULLY functional version of Visual Studio.

Ivory Tower

Remember our 4 steps for developing an app:

  1. Break down the functions of the app.
  2. Gather resources: What services/APIs are availible for my app?
  3. Create the Logic Tree: What are the decisions that need to be made for a functional app?
  4. Code each part of the logic tree possible.

Code Warrior

If you want to play with Xamarin. Visit their site and get the free version of their tool suite. As long as you're not compiling HUGE apps, it should be absolutely free.

If you want a tool to help you convert JSON to C#, try JSON2CSharp.

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