Know How...

Jan 4th 2016

Know How... 175

RasPi Groove and Media Players

From RaspberryPi to GroovePi

Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
Category: Help & How To

You love your RasPi, but would like an easier way to add sensors and connectivity? GroovePi is the pi you're looking for. 


<p>Connect with us!</p><ul><li>Don't forget to check out our large library of projects at <a href=""></a>.</li… our Google+ Community at <a href="; target="_blank"></a></li><li>Tweet at us at <a href="; target="_blank">@PadreSJ</a>, <a href="; target="_blank">@Cranky_Hippo</a>, and <a href="; target="_blank">@Anelf3</a></li></ul>
