Jul 7th 2016
Know How... 225
Cheap Odor Eater
Hosted by
Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ,
Bryan Burnett
Steampunkier goggles, and stay fresh with our DIY Odor Eater.
Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
2. 120mm Fan (Cooler Master SickleFlow -- but ANY 120mm fan will do) ~$8 https://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-SickleFlow-120-Radiators/dp/B0026Z…
3. Pantyhose or Foam ~$5 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001V9IYZC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_…
3. 12v Power Source
4. 3D Printed 120mm-Aquarium Masters Adapter, Flow Director
5. 6-32 Bolts and Nuts
6. Ziplock Bag
7. Silicone Sealant (Optional)
Tools List:
1. Phillips Screwdriver
2. Pliers
3. Wire Snippers/Strippers
4. Soldering Kit
5. 3D Printer
STL Files
1. ^AquariumMasters_120mm_adapter_v3.stl
2. ^FlowDirector_v3.stl
Also Includes the raw files so you can make your own
COE: Assembly
1. Attach a 120mm fan to the frame using 6-32 bolts and nuts.
-- Make sure the direction of the fan sucks air THROUGH the frame.
-- If you're going to use tapered case screws, you'll have to enlarge the mounting holes on the frame. Either Dremel them out or modify the STL file.
-- Optionally, you can draw a bead of silicone sealant along the edges of the adapter to create an seal with the fan housing.
2. Attach your power source to the Black (ground) and Yellow (12v+) leads of the 120mm fan.
3. Empty 3/4 of the "Aquarium Masters" jar into a ziplock bag.
4. Drill holes along the top of the jar. (NOT in the threading area)
6. Insert foam pieces inside the jar, under the holes you've drilled.
7. Insert the flow director into the jar.
8. Pour the remainder of the AC into the flow director.
9. Cap the flow director with foam cut into the shape of adapter funnel
10. Close and Power on!
We get out done by Mark Olson's Steampunkier goggles, and we build a cheaper odor eater.
Cheap Odor Eater: Parts
Project Overview:
Our "Odor Eater" project used ~$60 in parts, but we think we can do it cheaper... A LOT cheaper. This time we're investing less than $30 to make a renewable filter that fits right on top of an "Aquarium Masters" activated Carbon jar.
Parts List:
1. Aquarium Masters - Laboratory Grade Activated Carbon (Price is for TWO bottles) ~$22