Apr 3rd 2017
Know How... 299
Your Questions!
Balance your Quad, second monitor, and too much light!
We answer questions from our G+ group! How to balance a quad copter, second monitor recommendations, radio-controlled switch, and how much light is too much for your indoor grow!
Balancing Quads
-- Mr. ROKnBOK
"Has the subject of "balancing the quadcopter" been addressed on KnowHow? If so, please point me to that episode. Thanks, KitAs!"
I need a 2nd Monitor!
-- Daniel Casciato
"Padre mentioned on Windows Weekly episode 471 that one of his best tech purchases was a portable accessory screen for his laptop. This allowed him to use a dual screen setup on the go. 2 questions... 1) what is this screen? 2) Can it be used with a stylus for digital notes, specifically as an input for OneNote?"
Asus MB169C+ ~$150
* 15.6"
* Full HD
* 1920x1080
Asus MB169V+ ~$190
* Same Specs
* No IPS, USB 3.0
Throw a switch with a RC
-- Wayne Hobbins
"""I'm trying to figure out a way to close a connection with my RC TX using a spare channel that's not passing any electricity like 5 or 12 volts. I know how to do this with a servo and a mechanical switch, but there must be another way.
I thought that the Turnigy transmitter controlled switch might work, but apparently it needs a voltage on one wire to make the connection. I checked the red wires using a ohm meter and there was no difference when switched on and off.
Any ideas?"
We're using an Arduino!
* We're going to use the same setup that we used for the Growduino
* The Arduino will read the PWM value from the receiver, then energizer or de-energize the relay
1. Wire it:
- Arduino 5V to the receiver
- receiver signal to pin 8 of the arduino
- relay ground to ground
- relay positive to pin 7 of the arduino
- circuit through the relay switch pins
2. Program it:
- Use (pulseIn) to read the receiver data value
- Use an if-else to turn on/off the relay
1. Assemble circuit
2. Display PWM values from Arduino
3. Show if-else logic
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- Don't forget to check out our large library of projects at https://twit.tv/shows/know-how.
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- Tweet at us at @PadreSJ, @Cranky_Hippo, and @Anelf3.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.