Feb 11th 2007
This Week in Tech 88
Batteries Included
Hosted by
Leo Laporte
Quantum computing, teraflop chips, and iPod bans...
Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 21:15 UTC.
Quantum computing, teraflop chips, and iPod bans...
- Who's tried Yahoo Pipes. It's pretty much a mashup tool for RSS.
- A similar mashup that combines Digg, Slashdot, and del.icio.us is called Doggdot.
- Steve Jobs posted his thoughts on DRM placed on music.
- EMI is in talks to dump DRM.
- The RIAA now has to pay an innocent woman's attorney fees.
- Kodak is going to sell cheap ink ($9.99 for black, $14.99 for color) after estimating that ink costs $4,000 to $5,000 per gallon on average.
- New York Senator Carl Kruger has proposed banning iPods and other portable devices on the streets.
- Bill Gates occurred a system "error" during his appearance on the Daily Show.
- Watch what happened to Bill Gates after leaving the Daily Show.
- Viacom has asked YouTube to remove over 100,000 "unauthorized" video clips.
- Apparently, action videogames sharpen the eyes.
- Is this one giant step for home entertainment? Sure is for dorkiness for the helmet.
- Some hackers tried to take down the Internet, but no one seemed to notice.
- D-Wave is going to demo a quantum computer apparently.
- Intel demoed an 80-core chip that can pull 1 teraflop.
- The EFF has sued the Pentagon to get the guidelines on how they monitor soldiers' blogs.
- Gmail is now open to sign ups.
- Think Secret says that iLife 07, iWork 07, and OSX Leopard will be out by March.
- Is Nvidia peeing on Windows Vista users?
- There is a low-tech Vista voice recognition exploit.
- Arthur Sulzberger, publlisher of the New York Times, doesn't care if the NYT goes out of print and only online within the next five years.
- Digg has taken down the top users list.
- Kevin Rose talked about some future featured of Digg in Businessweek.
- Create your own EULA at Reasonable Agreement.