Tech Break

Nov 2nd 2016

Tech Break 3284

Phil Schiller Says SD Cards Are Cumbersome

We had a passionate dialogue.

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Category: TWiT Bits

Megan Morrone invites Owen JJ Stone to rant about his frustration with Apple's new MacBook Pro. There's been a pretty steady chorus of complaints about the new laptops that Apple unveiled last week. Among the many complaints, photographers have been up in arms about the removal of the SD slot. In an interview with The Independent, Phil Schiller defended the decision calling the slot cumbersome and obsolete and that wireless transfer will work just fine. When asked if MacOS would ever be combined with iOS, Schiller insisted that Apple was steadfast in the belief that the two OSes are fundamentally different. He also says there have been more online orders for the new MacBook Pro than ever before, and encouraged all the passionate dialogue around the product. So we had a passionate dialogue.

Full episode can be seen at

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